How to Avoid Black Friday and STILL Save on Gifts

by Alexa Mason · 0 comments

I can’t remember the last time I went shopping on Black Friday. Yet, somehow I always manage to find good deals on quality gifts.

While I do think there are some good deals to be had on Black Friday, I also think it’s overrated. Plus, shopping on Black Friday can lead to a lot of overspending. It’s hard to maintain self-control when your mind is telling you that everything really is a good deal – even when it’s not.

If you’d rather skip the madness of Black Friday, there’s good news: you can still find those bargain gifts. Here’s how.

Make a List

Before you go deal hunting, make a list of everyone you have to buy for, along with a few gift ideas for each person. This way, you won’t be tempted to save money by purchasing someone a bad gift.

Once you have your list and gift ideas, you can get down to business!

Shop Cyber Monday

A great way to avoid the crowds and still score awesome deals is to shop for gifts on Cyber Monday.

Once the Cyber Monday ads start coming out, pull out your gift list and cross-reference it with the ads. See something for sale that matches one of your gift ideas? Make a note.

Check all of the stores that are most likely to have deals on the items you need. Every time you see an awesome deal, write it down. When Cyber Monday rolls around, go to all of the websites that have the deals you want. Quickly add the item to your cart and check out.

Beware of browsing too much. Remember: you’re not saving money if you buy something you don’t need just because it’s a deal.

Shop Locally & Negotiate

If you’re not much of an online shopper, you could help your community by shopping locally. Check with the local merchants in your area to see if they have what you need.

If the merchandise seems to be a little overpriced, ask if there will be any holiday promotions. If you still don’t have any luck, try negotiating.

My family owns a couple of local department stores, and I’m here to tell you people negotiate on just about everything — all the time. Don’t feel embarrassed asking for a lower price; just make sure it’s reasonable. The merchant is much more likely to give you a lower price than let you walk out of the store empty-handed.

Negotiation can do wonders for your holiday gift budget.

Shop at Thrift Stores

If you have little kids to buy for, shopping at thrift stores is the perfect solution. Most young children could care less whether their gift is new or used. All they care about is having something fun to entertain them.

Browse your local thrift shops for gently used items. A lot of times, you can find awesome deals on merchandise that still has the tags on it.

And, if you have family members who enjoy books, a thrift store might be a good place to find gifts for them. Most thrift stores have very gently used books — sometimes, you can’t even tell they’re used.

Forget the holiday madness that comes with Black Friday. If you make a list and check around, you’ll end up saving more money and coming back with better gifts.

Are you shopping on Black Friday? How do you save money on your holiday gifts?

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