cash in coinsDid you know that those hundreds of pennies lying under the couch cushions and on the car floor could be a source of income?  You have several options that are far more favorable than rolling and cashing them in at the bank.

Recycling pennies may sound a bit like a late night infomercial, but there is some merit in the concept.

Pennies minted before 1982 are comprised of nearly 95% copper. As of the date this post was written, recycled copper was selling in my area for $4.13 per pound (and the price has been rising steadily for several months thanks to a crappy economy).

You’ll need about 151, pre-1982 pennies to make a pound of copper. Yep, your $1.51 could yield $4.13 for the work of sorting through a few pennies and driving to the nearest scrap yard.

“But wait! Can I just bag my pennies and haul them in?” Nope, there are a few catches:

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I always thought that a $150 cable bill is more like the maximum people pay these days but I overheard a conversation recently how someone is paying $260 currently and that he knows a few people paying $350 on their cable bills. What the?!? Add in a $150 cellphone plan and they could be paying $500 a month for basically Internet access! How can anyone ever retire overpaying like that?

I seriously doubt any reader is paying these obscene amounts, but we can all use a refresher on how to cut some fat off our cable bill. How much are you paying for cable service now? Here are a few ways to reduce your bill.
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gratitude and contentment
With all that’s going on, I’ve been trying to look for ways to be grateful. And with Thanksgiving being my favorite holiday, it naturally pop into my mind. I love Thanksgiving because it’s not supposed to be steeped in consumerism. And, for me and my family, it usually isn’t. We relax, eat good food, and enjoy each other’s company.

Recently, my son pointed out that the holiday season comes with a rather odd juxtaposition. We’re supposed to be giving thanks for what we have on Thursday morning, but by the night of Thanksgiving, when retailers are opening at 5 p.m. for Black Friday deals, all is forgotten and we’re in “gimme” mode.

While thinking about that, it occurred to me that many of us could be much happier (and richer) by practicing gratitude and learning contentment.
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I shop clearance racks and thrift stores as part of my frugal lifestyle, but I’ve always been hesitant to utilize online marketplaces like eBay, Craigslist or the scores of smaller websites and apps that have popped up over the last few years. Alongside the good finds, you still hear horror stories of scamming, stalking, and otherwise bad experiences.

Still, there’s something to be said about finding a great deal, especially on high-ticket items like furniture and electronics that tend to be overpriced by retailers. In the effort to find some new-to-me furniture for our new house without paying full price, I’ve decided to take the plunge and start engaging with a few of the newer mobile-friendly sites more actively. Here are some common-sense tips I’ve learned so far.
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cheap honeymoons

Your first moments alone as husband and wife are some of the most important moments you’ll ever spend together. Many couples start planning for their honeymoon six to eight months ahead of time. This may seem like it’s too early, but when it comes to proper planning, there’s no such thing.

The longer you wait, the more you risk losing out on the best spots for romance. You can’t chance someone else stealing the prime cabin on your perfect ship! You also could lose loads of cash by not starting early and researching the most financially compatible hot spots for your budget.

There’s no need to add additional stress to an already financially stressful time of your life — especially when considering the fact that marriages that start off in the hole have a harder time getting out of it.

With these tips, you’ll be able to find, plan, and have the most exciting, heart-racing honeymoon you could ever dream of.

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staying fit
Getting fit or staying healthy is usually on the top of everyone’s goal list. While it is a worthwhile goal that will pour many benefits into your life, it should not be a goal that drains your wallet.

Here are the top four money mistakes you need to stop making while trying to get in shape.

1. Stop Looking for the Next Magic Pill

Several of my friends have had great success with a popular wrap company and another MLM company that sells shakes. Look, I think these companies have worked for many and have earned many individuals amazing incomes. However, you cannot just buy a product and expect to reach your goals. I bought products from both companies, and the weight did not magically fall off. Why? Because I was using them as a magic pill rather than overhauling my whole diet and exercise routine.

If you are not willing to put in the work to eat better and exercise now, then why would you think paying an extra $100 for fitness products would help?
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