5 Inexpensive Gifts Any Teenager Would Love

by Travis Pizel · 4 comments

teenager gifts
I’m a budget driven person. That personality trait kicks into high gear as my wife and I decide what gifts will be wrapped and given to our kids. The two criteria I have for the gifts for my two children are that they have an equal number of gifts, and that their cost come in under budget.

My wife, on the other hand, has other ideas. She has visions of the kids coming down the stairs on Christmas morning to find a tree with a pile of presents spilling out from under it. She has dreams of passing out gift after gift while our children futilely try to guess what is in each wrapped box.

My wife’s perfect gift is even harder to achieve when teenagers are involved. Both my kids are teenagers, who’s preferences seem to change daily. So how can a parent get the perfect gift for the hard-to-shop teenager and stay on budget?

If you are expecting this same problem this year, here’s a list of five last minute inexpensive gifts that any teenager would love to open:

gifts for teenagers1. Headphones

My kids have a habit of winding their headphones around their phones as they leave the house. Eventually this habit seems to cause one or both of the ear buds to cease functioning. Therefore, every couple of months they need a new set. A decent pair can be had for $10 to $15.

2. Music

Everyone in my home uses the same Apple ID, and there’s one rule when purchasing songs, apps, or games: Give dad the money before you buy something. While this sounds like a good idea, it’s a nightmare in practice. For Christmas this year both my kids are getting a $20 iTunes gift card and their own apple ID to manage their own funds.

3. Heated Blanket

We keep our home downright cool in the evenings. My daughter loves to snuggle up under her heated blanket we picked up at Costco for under $25 and watch her favorite shows. She’s even given a couple to friends who have been to our home and witnessed first hand the awesomeness of a heated blanket.

4. Bean Bag Chair

There never seems to be enough seating in the living areas of our home when the kids have friends over. That problem can be solved by giving each of our teenagers their very own bean bag chair in their favorite color for around $25.

5. Fragrances

Teenagers become increasing self-aware, including how they smell. Whether it’s from Bath and Body Works for my daughter, or something Axe for my son, I can pick up a new fragrance for my teenagers for just a few dollars.

There are plenty of gift ideas that can be appreciated by your teenager and your budget whether you’re looking for inexpensive items or if your gift budget is a little lower this year.

Do you have a teenager in your home? Do you have any items to add to the list?

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{ read the comments below or add one }

  • Iris says:

    1. Gift Cards to electronic stores like game stop, food stores like chipotle, & Pizza, McDonalds, etc.
    2. Movie Cards
    3. Phone accessories, like card holders that fit on the back, phone rings to hold them by and shatter proof glass for front of phone and anything bling bling

  • Myfinance kits says:

    One thing that my children cannot get tired of is ice cream. It makes them feel good

  • Mel @ brokeGIRLrich says:

    I don’t know if you guys do stockings with your teenagers, but something that I remember as being a big hit was anything you could take silly pictures with. If you hit up the dollar store, you can stock up on glow-in-the-dark necklaces, bracelets, etc., which are a lot of fun for New Years Eve and things like silly stick on mustache stickers or ridiculous little hats make for some memorably amusing holiday photos – all around $1 a pop.

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