I am a huge fan of discounts, especially stores that are full of discounts. That’s why I love the .99-Cent Only Store, which a great place to go for inexpensive essentials. I’m going to share with you my favorite things to buy from that store, as well as tips on what to avoid.
Hair Accessories
Skip the hair brushes and weird looking hair products and go straight for the hair accessories. I usually buy bobby pins, the 500-packs of small elastics, and decorative hair accessories from the .99-Cent Only Store. I just look for name brand items. If you have ever visited the hair section at Target, then you know how amazing the .99-Cent Only Store hair finds can be. Target charges $3-4 for bobby pins, elastics, and hair accessories, which sounds inexpensive until you realize it’s 300% or 400% of $0.99.
Just today I found cute Goody hair clips for my two little girls, and in the past, I have found adorable Cherokee hair clips (with the Target price sticker of $5 still on it).
Kid Craft Supplies and Kits
My oldest daughter loves crafts, but to be honest, most of the stuff she makes ends up in the trash. I don’t want to spend a fortune for her to express her creativity. The .99-Cent Only Store has a lot of different craft supplies and even Disney art kits. Stay away from off-brand crayons and markers though, as they don’t work as well.
Organic Food and Good Food Deals
All .99-Cent Only Stores are packed with questionable food items. There are several shelves packed with food items you wouldn’t feed your enemy, let alone your children. However, there are also good food deals, and even amazing organic food deals every once in a while. It just depends on the stock. If you see something you like, grab a whole bunch, because it most likely won’t last.
I can usually find a box of organic crackers or granola bars at my local stores. Just look for full-sized items (don’t be tricked into paying .99 for smaller portions), and be sure to check expiration dates. I stick to brands I know so there are no surprises. As far as fresh produce goes, it varies by store and date. One of my local stores’ produce section always looks and smells disgusting, so I don’t even bother. However, I have gone to stores that are very well kept and have a good selection of fresh, organic produce.
Kid Toothbrushes
Another random item I try to always buy from the .99-Cent Store is kid toothbrushes. Usually they have popular characters, and many times, it is the same exact packages sold at Target and Walmart. For example, I just bought a pack of 4 Snoopy-themed toothbrushes from Target for $3. That same package of 3 was at the .99-Cent Store for .99. The .99-Cent Store also has My Little Pony, Disney’s Dory and Pets, and Barbie selections.
What Not to Buy
Even though I love a lot of items at the .99-Cent Store, there is also a lot I avoid. I don’t trust any of the medications, vitamins, lotions, etc. The toys are either cheap in quality or marked up to prices between $1.99 to $4.99 (Hello, this is the .99-Cent Only Store). I have seen a lot of people say the pregnancy test is legit, but it gave me a negative when I was almost a month along with my first daughter five years ago.
I also avoid food containers or eating accessories unless they are made out of glass or are a brand I recognize.
What are your favorite things to buy at the .99-Cent Only Store (or similar stores for those who don’t have a .99-Cent Store)?
Editor's Note: Did you know about the service called $5 meal plans? For $5 a month, they send you recipes of delicious, healthy, yet cheap food that costs just $5 a meal.
Several of my friends signed up and they are able to eat at home more because the instructions are easy to follow, making everything convenient. The deal also comes with grocery shopping lists, which saves them so much time. Check it out yourself by clicking here and you too may be able to save more and become healthier at the same time.
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