Are “Monthly Boxes” Worth Subscribing?

by Jeremy Hartley · 0 comments

razor blade
Consumers are seeing a relatively new online market innovation in the form of monthly subscriptions. Whether it’s a monthly box, bag, or even blades, companies are cashing in on this new type of shopping. Here’s some helpful tips you may consider before clicking that subscribe button.

Is The Subscription Cost Effective?

I currently subscribe to a monthly razor blade shipment from I’ve enjoyed this subscription for roughly 6 months now, and my wallet is already seeing the savings. After spending what felt like and arm and a leg at the brick and mortars, I finally told myself to give the monthly subscription a shot. I’m glad I did. The subscription comes with 4 cartridges (with 4 blades) with free shipping at $6 a month. There’s also an option to pause the shipment with no fees attached, for those (like me) who aren’t an everyday shaver. Before subscribing to anything monthly, do some research on other sites that sell the same products. I checked stores and sites for comparative blades to make sure I’m getting the most blade for my buck. It also helps to check out your local Walmart, Target or Costco to see if you can get these products cheaper.

Is The Subscription a Necessity?

There are a few websites selling monthly healthy snack boxes running between $9 and $15 a month. After doing some research, I’ve gathered that getting some yummy treats at your neighborhood Costco is a much better deal. When it comes to monthly food boxes, the more ounces for your buck can usually be found at the store versus the online monthly method.

Is The Subscription a Convenience?

I gifted my wife a monthly makeup bag last Mother’s Day and she’s loving the convenience. Instead of having to do online searching for makeup samples, puts 4-5 products in a reusable makeup bag each month. The website had her take a quiz about her tones, colors, products she likes and dislikes and the company nails it almost each month with tasteful precision. At $10 a month, she enjoys getting a little gift in her mailbox. Recently, she compared her makeup bag with similar items at Target and found that the store is selling the five products for a total of $21, which is $11 more! Now that Mother’s Day is coming up, I may just re-subscribe. That’s if my wife doesn’t beat me to the purchase button.

Are There Hidden Costs or Cancellation Fees?

Perhaps the most important question to ask is gathering information on what the final bill could be. My two subscriptions don’t have hidden or cancellation fees, but I found that out beforehand. If a monthly subscription is peaking your interest, head on over to their FAQ page or contact customer service to be sure that there isn’t a hidden fee lurking.

Monthly subscriptions can sure make going to the mailbox a little more exciting, but because this is a relatively new industry, do yourself a favor and gather as much information as needed to make a consumer decision that’s worth it.

What are some monthly boxes that you enjoy? Share them below!

Editor's Note: Did you know about the service called $5 meal plans? For $5 a month, they send you recipes of delicious, healthy, yet cheap food that costs just $5 a meal.

Several of my friends signed up and they are able to eat at home more because the instructions are easy to follow, making everything convenient. The deal also comes with grocery shopping lists, which saves them so much time. Check it out yourself by clicking here and you too may be able to save more and become healthier at the same time.

Money Saving Tip: An incredibly effective way to save more is to reduce your monthly Internet and TV costs. Click here for the current AT&T DSL and U-VERSE promotion codes and promos and see if you can save more money every month from now on.

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