Weekend Roundup and MoneyNing Quoted in the New York Times

by David@MoneyNing.com · 10 comments

moneyning quoted in the new york times

One of my readers congratulated me on being quoted on the New York Times recently. With more and more people starting to look at blogging as a source of insightful information, there is no doubt that blogging is becoming main stream.

As a reader of this blog, you can take pride in knowing that you were one of the early adopters of this medium and that you were part of the transformation of blogging from being a hobby to a profession. While some of you are occasional readers that stumble onto this site, others have enjoyed articles by being subscribers of the blog. If you’d like to continue to enjoy personal finance articles, the third option is to get automatic email updates by subscribing through email in the form below.

It’s always enjoyable to read great personal finance articles and this week offered plenty.  Here are a few that I’d like to hightlight.

  • The Simple Dollar shares with us how he and his wife got on the same page financially.
  • My Two Dollars asks a question on a decision we make constantly – How Do You Decide to Tip or Not?
  • Canadian Capitalist teaches us how we should choose a financial adviser, great advice whether we are Canadian or American.
  • With the interest rate so low, The Digerati Life helped me find a good savings option: The WaMu online savings account with 3.3% yield.
  • Squawkfox has a huge list of reasons why we should use reusable shopping bags.
  • Blunt Money’s grandmother was always prepared with extras and now Blunt Money is emulating her.  What a great feeling to know that you won’t run out of things.
  • Four Pillars lets us in on his secret to getting anything he wants.
  • Unlike last week’s tip to get a free book, you can definitely still get in on this one.  Clever Dude is giving away a free book and all you have to do is leave a comment.
  • Blueprint discusses four reasons to shop at the farmer’s market.  Support the locals.
Money Saving Tip: An incredibly effective way to save more is to reduce your monthly Internet and TV costs. Click here for the current Verizon FiOS promotion codes and promos to see if you can save more money every month from now on.

{ read the comments below or add one }

  • RC@Thinkyourwaytowealth says:

    Congrats David. Very impressive.
    You gave some good advice as well.

  • Sam says:

    OK I’m so envy now. Hahhahaa..seriously congrats for the job well done. Keep posting informative articles and you’ll find yourself soon in CNN.. Woohooo..

    Fix My Personal Finance

  • Squawkfox says:

    WOW. Congratulations on your New York Times profile. That’s amazing. 😀

  • MoneyNing says:

    Sean, Canadian Capitalist and Sun: Thank you.

  • Sun says:

    That’s very cool, David. Congrats.

  • Canadian Capitalist says:

    Thanks for the link and congrats on the mention.

  • MoneyNing says:

    Calvin: Thank you for being a subscriber and all your comments..

    The Digerati Life: No problem. I’m happy to make more money in interest all the time.

    jim: You are the one to talk with all the media coverage 🙂

  • jim says:

    Congrats on the mention, that’s wonderful.

  • The Digerati Life says:

    Congrats on the New York Times mention. That’s fantastic. 🙂 Thanks too for making me part of the roundup. I am excited about the future of blogging, it should only get better. More and more companies are embracing it as a legitimate way to connect with their customers and audience.

  • Calvin says:

    Congratulations on the mention in New York Times. I always knew blogging was the future and I’m glad to be a subscriber.


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