We tend to forget that it wasn’t all that long ago when people had their kids’ portraits taken several times a year. When I was growing up, the school arranged for a picture once a year and that was pretty much it. Today, we expect to have our children photographed every few months, and it […]
Saving Money
Gas prices are on the rise again, and even though there is no actual correlation between supply, production, demand, and cost, the result is the same when it comes to your budget. Even a $0.10 increase per gallon can have an impact, and in the last few weeks the increase has been double that. Fortunately, […]
China holds an iconic place in our perception of entertainment and value, as many couples still seriously consider requesting china when they get married. Before you opt to spend, or have people spend, hundreds of dollars for dishes, consider the following points.
Many people view massage as a luxury, but it doesn’t have to be. Aside from the fact that massage provides a number of important physical benefits, such as lowered blood pressure, greater range of motion, and an immune system that works better, it feels great. Still, some places charge $100 for an hour of basic […]
I used to tell my kids I was too old for concerts, mostly because the idea of shelling out $100 for tickets just didn’t seem reasonable. As the prices of concert tickets kept climbing, there was no way to even consider attending. Finally, a band I really liked came in to town, and it was […]
When I mentioned to a colleague that my husband and I planned to diaper our son in cloth, she looked at me as if I were crazy and wished me the best of luck. I shouldn’t have been surprised by her reaction—there really is no contest in terms of convenience when you compare cloth with […]