We all want to improve our productivity, increase our time, and have more energy for the important things — I know I do. So this year I’m particularly focusing on how I can boost my productivity. I’ve found that it’s not so much about trying to work more,but about how to work more effectively. As I’ve […]
It seems like everyone wants to be a minimalist these days. In the past few years, the “hot” New Year’s resolution is not to get fit but to live with less. The Tiny House movement has inspired many of us to appreciate what we have, and be happy with less. When this trend first started catching […]
I became a big advocate for chiropractic care after taking my colicky three-month-old daughter to see someone two years ago. It seemed too good to be true, but one gentle adjustment reduced her never-ending crying and helped her sleep through the night. Fast forward to the present, and I forgot my love for the chiropractor until recently. […]
Now that Christmas is over, do you feel like your house is more cluttered? Are you still sifting through the presents, gift cards, and stocking stuffers? I am! While I’m grateful for family members and friends that love us and give us gifts, it’s overwhelming how much stuff acquires in such a short period of […]
Planning for your financial future as a couple isn’t something you should tackle alone. You and your spouse each have a valuable voice in the success (or demise) of your finances. But talking money usually causes arguments and discord even in the sturdiest of marriages. So how do you and your spouse get on the same page while financial […]
Two weeks ago, I wrote about how hoarding ends up costing us more time and money. I loved reading all of the comments, and it’s obviously something we all struggle with. I just wanted to share a little bit of my personal tragedy this year and how beneficial it’s been for me not to turning […]