Are You Ready to Be a Minimalist? Here’s What it Takes

by Connie Mei · 10 comments

It seems like everyone wants to be a minimalist these days. In the past few years, the “hot” New Year’s resolution is not to get fit but to live with less. The Tiny House movement has inspired many of us to appreciate what we have, and be happy with less.

When this trend first started catching on, I was skeptical. Being a minimalist made me think of the “extreme cheapskate” style of living. Sure, I would love to learn to be happy with less stuff but I wasn’t ready to go cold turkey.

However, the more and more I’ve learned about minimalism, the more I’ve embraced it. The idea of letting go of material needs, being more productive and, best of all, spending less money appeals to almost everyone.

As a self-proclaimed frugal-ist, I felt like I was already on the right track. A big part of the reason why I’m frugal is because I just want to simplify my life. I’m sure all aspiring minimalists can relate to this.

If you’re ready to take the first step to a more minimalist lifestyle, here are 3 tips.

1. Letting Go of Clutter

The first and most important step to becoming a minimalist is learning to let go, nd it starts with all your stuff. We all have things we don’t need and never even use.

While it seems harmless to just let your stuff accumulate, clutter can cause you a lot of stress, anxiety, and will hinder you from reaching your goal to become a minimalist. So let go of it all. No excuses!

Decluttering can seem like a massive project, especially when you’ve accumulated years and years of stuff. So start with these small steps:

  • Go through your closets and drawers.
  • Create 3 categories: donate, sell, trash.
  • Take the donate pile to Goodwill or Salvation Army.
  • List items on eBay, or Craigslist. Sell name brand-items through a consignment shop.
  • Toss everything that’s damaged, old, or outdated.

2. Spending Smarter

Cutting down and learning to spend less is unarguably very challenging. But it can be done. An important part of minimalism is letting go of materialistic items.

Before buying something, ask yourself this: does it really add value or purpose to my life?

If not, think twice before buying it. That’s not to say you shouldn’t treat yourself every once-in-awhile. You just need to learn how to spend wiser.

One caveat to spending smarter is to focus on less material items but invest in moments more. Experiences are one of the few things that can truly make you feel richer, even when you’re spending money.

3. Simplifying Your Life

Last but not least, learn to live more with less — and I’m not only talking about stuff. Life can get so hectic and crazy that it’s easy to get overwhelmed. But at the end of the day, it’s a choice.

Choose to simplify your life and only keep what really matters. You might be surprised, but you can live a much fuller life when you have less distractions (and stuff) clouding your mind.

Are You Ready to Be a Minimalist?

Minimalism isn’t for everybody and you certainly don’t have to go all out if you choose to adapt to it. But there are aspects of a simplistic lifestyle that everyone can benefit from.

Even though your wallet will be happier, creating a minimalist lifestyle it’s not just about saving money. It’s about finding value and figuring out what really is important to you.

Take steps this week to embrace the minimalist life, whether you declutter, shop smarter, or find ways to live more with less. You might just be pleasantly surprised!

Are you thinking of embracing the minimalist life? What’s another way to enjoy living life to the fullest without spending more money?

Editor's Note: Did you know about the service called $5 meal plans? For $5 a month, they send you recipes of delicious, healthy, yet cheap food that costs just $5 a meal.

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  • Alyssa Hernton says:

    To tell the truth, again I encountered the top part of material online. I I have just bookmarked this page and come back any time soon. I seemed to be overly motivated and so pushed. It usually great to be in a website similar to this.

  • Slinky says:

    It’s interesting how there’s such a concept of “true” or “real” minimalism and that no one is a minimalist, but everyone wants to be more of one. Minimalism is what you make it. It’s getting rid of clutter and pointless things, not necessarily getting rid of everything or having empty surfaces and no furniture. What’s clutter or pointless and what things you use and bring you joy is up to you to decide.

  • Michelle says:

    I like to think that I have started to become a minimalist, but I know I have more work to do.

  • Dewald says:

    I dont think I wil ever be able to be a minimalist. I love collecting things to much.

  • lana says:

    I haven’t downsized, but I have purged most of what we don’t use. It feels good.

    I like thinking of my stuff in my open hand. Stuff can go so new stuff can come.

  • Kayla @ Everything Finance says:

    Minimalism and PF have so much to do with each other. I didn’t really realize that at first, but I’m getting it now. Both allow you to follow your dreams and not have to slave away at a job for 30+ years. Thanks for sharing!

  • Grace @ Total Investment says:

    Thank you for the tips. I agree of smart spending, can help you save a lot and stick with your budget.

  • Jon says:

    I couldn’t live the true minimalist lifestyle. With that said though, I do try to limit clutter, spend smarter and simplify my life.

    I guess it’s along the lines of extreme couponing. I use coupons and combine them for added savings, but I don’t take it to the “extreme”.

  • Michelle says:

    I definitely want to live a more minimalist lifestyle. I have so much stuff, yet I use barely any of it. Sad that I am just now realizing that!

  • Emily @ Simple Cheap Mom says:

    I’m not a minimalist, but I do like living a simpler lifestyle.

    Clutter is an area I’m always working on, no matter how much I give away, there always seems to be more left!

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