I love getting things for free, so I was excited when my wife said she’d won free movie tickets through a Facebook promotion by a local television station. The tickets were for a pre-release viewing of a comedy that wasn’t due to hit theaters for several weeks. Free tickets to an unreleased movie? Count me […]
Money Stories
A Story Proving “Free” Isn’t Always Worth It
by Travis Pizel · 16 comments
Proof You Can Fight Your Insurance Company — and WIN!
by Travis Pizel · 18 comments
At first I thought it was junk, since I didn’t know why else a medical center in Florida would be sending me mail. After opening the envelope and finding myself staring at a bill for $54, it suddenly came back to me. When my family was on vacation in Florida at the end of April, […]
Show Us That #MoneyThing and Win $25
by David@MoneyNing.com
Here at MoneyNing.com, we’re all about encouraging good financial habits and motivating the community to save smart, make more money and give back. But sometimes those goals are hard to accomplish alone! That’s why we’ve created the #MoneyThing campaign, which will run through June 2014. “Money’s not the center of our lives, but it can […]
What Would You Say to a Habitually Low Tipper?
by Travis Pizel · 45 comments
While sitting at the kitchen table, I was reconciling the checking account by entering transactions into the register. My wife walked up beside me and dropped off a receipt from a cut and color she’d received earlier that afternoon. I saw the amount charged, as well as the amount she’d written in for a tip. […]
What Are the Drawbacks of Raising the Minimum Wage?
by Emily Guy Birken · 16 comments
Last week, I explored three of the common benefits of raising the minimum wage. While the conventional wisdom suggests these minimum wage hikes will stimulate the economy, improve entitlement programs, and reduce turnover rates for businesses, the research has shown that those benefits aren’t nearly as clear-cut as the sound bytes might lead you to […]
What Are the Benefits of Raising the Minimum Wage?
by Emily Guy Birken · 37 comments
My very first job was working at a little mom-and-pop bagel shop in suburban Baltimore. I was 15, and I was thrilled to be earning a dollar more than the then-minimum wage of $4.25. Over that summer of 1994, I worked just over 30 hours a week making bagel sandwiches, wiping down tables, and running […]