Gamification used to rest only on the outskirts of society. It involved people staying up all hours of the night speaking in foreign tongues, living secret lives of mystical time travel, and using weapons of intelligence to reach their destination. Dungeons and Dragons was the ultimate game. Now, gamification is everywhere. Want to shed pounds […]
Money Management
It’s possible to juggle multiple savings goals at once. You just need a plan.
The beginning of a new year is a time many people use to take a fresh look at their physical health, evaluate how well they kept to their fitness goals last year, and either renew them or take a different approach. The same process should apply to financial health. Looking at the good, bad, and […]
We all end up in situations where we have unexpected expenses. This subject is especially poignant for me this year because my husband asked for a divorce back in May, and that resulted in some major costs that I wasn’t expecting. I was fortunate in many ways, considering the situation. My ex wasn’t interested in […]
Imagine getting home from a day of running errands and realizing that you’ve spent money you didn’t intend to. If your unexpected purchase is no more expensive than an occasional pack of gum or a latte, then no harm no foul. But if you are regularly falling victim to money rationalization — where you talk […]
I had a difficult decision to make while reading my emails recently. Not showing it to my son would save him some disappointment, but making him aware of it could be an invaluable financial lesson. My son is saving his money to buy a new monitor for his gaming computer, but he is currently getting […]