It should come as no surprise that losing weight and eating healthier sits at the top of Statistic Brain’s 2017 New Year’s Resolution survey results. Roughly 21.4 percent have made this one of our goals, and if the statistics remain true, about 9.2 percent of us will feel successful at following through come December. Did […]
Couponing has become so popular it has its own television show. Nowadays, consumers use coupons for dinner, oil changes, and anything else companies are trying to advertise. Broadband service providers advertise with coupons too, and that’s where we can benefit. You can use these coupons to negotiate a new contract, lower your existing bill, or […]
School is back in session, and it can be easy to overlook college students settling in to dorms for the year. With all of the college rules and fine print, it can be hard to make campus housing into something more personable and comfortable. These creative ideas will help you make your space more personable […]
A lot of the time we get sucked into thinking that moving to a bigger city can help with finances because you can find a higher-paying job. Unfortunately, that higher-paying job often comes with a higher cost of living. I read a story recently on CNBC about cities in the United States where a $50,000 […]
For my twelfth birthday, my parents gave me a DVD of The Fast and the Furious. It was unlike anything I’d ever seen. I remember watching it over and over again, pausing to get a better look at the cool cars. The car that held my attention was Paul Walker’s Mitsubishi Eclipse. Once I turned […]
It’s hard to go even one day without seeing an advertisement for some form of “fast, amazing, unbelievable!” diet. If you somehow managed to spend your days away from the television, internet, or social media, you still have to deal with the many times you hear friends and co-workers talk about “losing a few pounds” […]