My son and I had a discussion about school and grades the other day. He’s doing great in school, but sometimes we check in to see how things are going and to talk about his future education goals. It helps him stay motivated, and it’s a good way to set expectations for what financial help […]
Even though I’m contributing money to an IRA on a monthly basis, and even investing in some dividend stocks in my individual investing account, I’ve always felt like real estate could be a better investment option for retirement income. The idea started with a family member who’s doing just that: relying on a portfolio of […]
It’s exciting to get a raise, especially if it’s bigger than you expected. That’s why it’s understandable and common that in the afterglow, many people rationalize an immediate increase in spending. Perhaps you’ve been waiting to purchase a new vehicle, have your eyes on a nicer place to stay, or just want to take a […]
We focus on stocks and bonds when we think of investing most of the time, but we often forget that it’s also possible to invest in ourselves. An investment in yourself can offer very good returns, as long as you are wise with your investment. I’ve been in exploratory mode this year. I’m trying to […]
I’ve always been out of the loop on townhouses because, until now, I haven’t lived in an area where they were common. Now that I’ve moved to the greater Seattle area, I see them everywhere. To me, townhouses have always seemed like the ‘glorified apartments’ of urban areas. Along with condos, they represent limited home […]
For most Americans, the dream is to ultimately own a home. Purchasing property is a right of passage of sorts. It’s a big step into adulthood and probably one of the biggest purchases you’ll make in your life. That’s all the more reason why you should thoroughly do your research and ask plenty of questions […]