As you approach your summer, consider these ways you can save.
Frugal Living
Every year, the USDA updates the average cost of raising a child from birth to age 18. The latest figure is in line with recent years that you are likely to spend close to a quarter million dollars raising a child. Breaking down the latest average and the figure is actually $23,000 per year. Luckily, […]
My friend started a conversation on her high monthly grocery bill and told me to guess how much she spends. I quickly said, “$1,800” – mind you she is raising three growing preteen boys, and lives with her husband, mother, and stepfather, so basically seven adults. She seemed a little surprised that I was so […]
I’ve never been one to budget every last cent, and I’ve never been on a spending diet. Most of the time, I’m content to make sure my goals are being met each month and then I spend whatever’s left. Lately, though, I’ve noticed my old habit of just buying something because I can is creeping […]
Try these strategic budgeting tips to help you save on your big day and significantly impact your costs.
It’s no secret that growing even a small vegetable and herb garden saves money on grocery bills through the spring and summer months (and, if you preserve them, you’ll save through the fall and winter as well). What’s not as well-known is the expense of putting one in. For me, gardening always seemed like an […]