Nearly all of us have some sort of budget. We budget for groceries, rent, car payments, fuel, even toiletries. We may think we’ve thought of every expense but have we really? Probably not. What this post will do is uncover the one area of our budget we can easily overlook. And it is perhaps the […]
Frugal Living
Tesla is an auto brand founded in California by the notorious Elon Musk. Elon co-founded PayPal and also owns SpaceX – the company with a mission to colonize Mars. While Elon is dreaming of Mars, he builds electric cars. Tesla current makes two models of cars – the Model S and the Model X. The […]
We all have to eat, but we don’t always have to pay the sticker price. Walmart and Target allow consumers to price match from competing stores and online markets, and these retailers can afford it because few are taking advantage from such a discount. Price matching can be a little overwhelming and complicated, but with a […]
If you’re an American who lives outside of Manhattan… you probably drive. Driving is so common, many of us don’t even realize it’s actually not a mandatory part of life. We just do it. Day in. Day out. Why am I challenging this idea? Because driving is expensive! According to the latest numbers from AAA, driving […]
Consumers are seeing a relatively new online market innovation in the form of monthly subscriptions. Whether it’s a monthly box, bag, or even blades, companies are cashing in on this new type of shopping. Here’s some helpful tips you may consider before clicking that subscribe button. Is The Subscription Cost Effective? I currently subscribe to a […]
Gone are the days of buying consumer products on a whim, at least for me. I used to be a brick and mortar mall shopper you see. Those huge 50% off banners? I fell for those. After figuring out that money was to be managed and not thrown away, my consumer product shopping began to […]