You expect your financial adviser to know things you don’t, since you don’t speak NASDAQ and never quite figured out what a subprime mortgage backed security was. After all, that’s why you’re consulting an expert. But there are some things about financial management that everyone should know — and it bothers the reputable financial advisers […]
When I graduated college, I felt excited about my future. I was so ready to be done with school and finally be an “adult”. Being in school was the last vestige of being a kid and it was time for me to fly and soar into the “real world.” While I was more mature and […]
For most of us, identify theft isn’t at the top of our minds, but it’s something that can happen to anyone. And if it does, it can really destroy your finances. When your personal information, such as a social security number or a bank account number, gets in the wrong hands, it can take years to […]
Nearly every financial guru tells potential budgeters to start their financial management with a simple (but not easy) task: track every single penny. For some individuals, this is a relatively easy task. It’s just a matter of building financial tracking into their routine. But for most people, tracking expenses is often very difficult. Thankfully, between modern technology […]
As a college student, my unsubsidized federal loans are definitely weighing on my mind. I’m not required to pay the loans yet, but the time is coming when I will be. At least paying the accrued interest saves me money in the long run. My goal is to pay as I go, but either way, student loans […]
When I first started paying back my student loans several years ago, there weren’t that many apps or tools available to help you pay off your student loans, while keeping you motivated. Boy, have things changed — and I’m so glad! Now there are more resources and websites out there specifically for people trying to get […]