You’re busy – I get it. You have a lot of stuff going on, and spending time on your finances seems like another huge responsibility to add to your already full plate. But whenever you take a look at your wallet, you wonder where all of your money went. You haven’t looked at the details […]
Many of us want to start with the plan or the budget when it’s time to get serious about our finances and put together a goal of reaching financial freedom. We begin figuring out income, expenses, and creating a strategy for paying down debt. We will also be figuring out how much needs to be invested in […]
Many people are tired of the shutdown caused by COVID-19. That’s why people around me are starting to slowly return to normal life because things seem just fine for them after so many months of hearing about the devastation of the pandemic on the news. I can understand that too. After all, it’s hard to […]
There’s a lot to be said for paying off your debt and living debt free. After all, it’s tempting to try to pay it off as quickly as possible whenever you look at that balance. This impulse is often encouraged by stories of consumers who made heroic efforts to pay down debt in a short […]
You can’t always control how much money you make, or how big of a year end bonus you’ll get. But when it comes to your everyday finances, there’s actually a lot you can do to save more. One of the most frequent questions we hear is, “How much should I be saving every month?” And […]
It wasn’t long ago when the nearby plaza’s parking lot spent most days of the last few months being empty. That’s why I was so surprised to see people and cars everywhere when I went there last Sunday. Aside from the obvious potential problem of people getting sick, I’m not sure if I want this […]