Elizabeth picks up the paper and tries to read it. Again. Frustration tears her heart open. The words are no longer clear, just like the numbers on the stove and the labels on the bottles. “Hi, Mom!” Jane bounds in, but notices the grimace on her aging mother’s face and hides her concern. Her mother’s […]
Extracurricular activities used to be the domain of the child prodigies. Little ones who were training for the Olympics or the children’s orchestra were the only kids you saw going to gymnastics or violin lessons after school. For the rest of the kid population, doing homework and riding bikes was more than enough activity. Times […]
With the start of the academic year, thousands of high-school graduates are entering college and handling their own finances for the very first time. Some will learn quickly on their own, but many others will struggle and end up with more debt than they know what to do with. Here are four important tips that […]
My oldest daughter just started kindergarten and I’m quickly realizing school is going to be more expensive than I’d anticipated. Though I was ready for some expenses, like clothes, lunches, and supplies, others – like the classroom cleaning supplies and tissues – caught me by surprise. Here are the ways I’ve been trying to keep […]
You read blogs like this to find the best ways to manage your money. Your intentions are terrific because saving money is something you know you need to do. But as much as you read about it, you haven’t fully committed to a vision that will make it happen. You’re sabotaging yourself. “What do you […]
I’ve been getting a lot of flack for how much I spend lately. I’ve been told I spend too much on a cause I’m involved with. I’ve been told I spend too much on going to the spa. I’ve been told I spend too much on travel. It’s true that I like spending money, but […]