I shook my head in shame when I saw the charge on my credit card statement. This was the third month I had been charged $14.99 for a credit monitoring service that I didn’t mean to keep past a free trial period. I knew it was exactly what the company who created the service hoped would […]
There are many of us who still refuse to break ties with our cable company because of our kids. However, you don’t have to fear that your kids will cause an uproar if you kick your cable provider to the curb. There are many affordable choices available for them. An added bonus is that by cutting cable TV, […]
When my daughter received an invitation to a friend’s birthday party, I told her to start thinking about what she wanted to give as a gift. Fast forward a week, we woke up the day of the party with no present purchased. I suggested that we simply get her friend a gift card, which […]
When you first walk into a Kohl’s, you may wonder why they are so overpriced. It’s true that most items are marked up so the store can show a significant discount when combined with sales, coupons, and other specials. While this may be a sneaky way to trick consumers into buying more, Kohl’s is still […]
They seem to be everywhere you look, yet they are hardly noticeable. What am I talking about? Fees. Nearly everything these days from checking accounts, to credit cards, and even investments have fees that are eating away at your net worth. While these fees may seem like drops in the bucket each month, compounded over […]
My husband recently got an infuriating letter from his employer-sponsored health insurer, which covers our whole family. The insurance is conducting a dependent eligibility audit. All employees who have dependents covered by the plan must prove that the dependents really qualify. Other than the irritation of having to track down and photocopy our marriage license, […]