It can be difficult to find the motivation to save more money. My husband, who has a Ph.D. in Psychology, says that most humans have a hard time accurately gauging the long-term impacts of their actions. When it comes to socking money away, this is an issue because the rewards are a long way off. […]
Better Yourself
No more greasy burgers for you. No more frothy Frappucinos, hold the whip. No more fresh new duds just because you deserve it. All great decisions, but you must also ask yourself, “how much am I really saving?” Are you saving enough to pay off all your bills? Are you significantly reducing the strain on […]
All of us feel as though we aren’t in control at times. I know that there have been times when I don’t feel in control of where our money is going. Sometimes, I don’t feel in control of what is happening in my life, or in my work. I feel swept along by events, and […]
It’s been almost 11 years since I last had any sort of traffic violation. Prior to that, though, I had some speeding tickets on my record, and a rather embarrassing incident involving a semi truck. Those types of traffic violations can cost you. Naturally, you pay your fine, whether it’s for speeding, reckless driving, or […]
Health care spending reached an all time high of 18.2% of GDP in the United States in June of 2011. This is far higher than a number of developed countries throughout the world. Who is responsible? Do we blame the health care industry? Or are we all partially responsible for the poor health of the […]
Most people don’t have nearly enough time in the day. Running short on time often means looking for shortcuts whenever possible, and taking them whenever doing so makes sense. When it comes to food, shortcuts often include drive-thrus and fast food joints. Yet, idling through a drive thru is a shortcut you should rarely, if […]