Becoming a homeowner is the American dream right? Unfortunately, too many people rush into this dream – only to find themselves in financial despair and facing foreclosure. This could’ve easily happened to me. After getting divorced a year ago, I thought about purchasing a home of my own. I was working two jobs and sharing a […]
Death is a nasty business. But it’s a business, nonetheless. As our parents and family members age, it’s our job to deal with the aftermath of their passing. This is never an easy subject to discuss, but if left unaddressed, you could end up with less than nothing. If you’re fortunate enough to land an […]
You have probably heard the age-old cliché, “time is money,” a few times in your life. That saying could not be any truer for money-saving habits. There are so many great money-saving tips out there, but not all of them are worth your time. Here are a few serious time-suckers you should avoid. Clipping Physical […]
Every year, the threat of contracting the dreaded flu bug looms large. And even though COVID is all anyone talks about these days, the flu season is in full swing and affecting us all. Can you afford to risk getting sick? Thanks to the government, most of us know that getting a flu shot is […]
Hopefully, you’ve completed and sent off your tax return by now. While some of us may owe Uncle Sam money, others are getting a nice hefty refund check. According to the IRS, the average tax refund is $2,893. This is quite a large chunk of money. Add to that all the stimulus checks you’ve received lately […]