When I was very young, I hated going to the shower. I would sit there (and in reality spend just as much time) convincing myself that I really didn’t want to waste my time. I would tell myself that while my parents forced asked me to go every single day, I never really saw the benefits. It wasn’t nearly as fun as watching TV or playing video games, so why bother? I just did not get it.
It was funny when I think back (and sharing was something I certainly had to think about because my parents read my blog) because now I obviously realize how ignorant I was. Shrubbing myself everyday might seem unnecessary and boring, but what will happen if I don’t? Dirty, health problems… you get the idea.
Before you laugh at my story, think about the time to dedicate about your personal finances. While we can’t physically force you to think about it, we definitely ask you to. Of course it’s not fun to setup your budget or set aside an emergency fund instead of using that money to go out for dinner, but what would happen 30 years from now?
The Rubber Duck in Personal Finance
My mom never got me the rubber duck to make showering more fun (nor was I creative enough to take my invisible microphone and become a singer), but getting older made me realize that coming out of the shower makes me feel good. I’m more relaxed, and I just feel comfortable.
Working on your finances gives you a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when things are on track. It helps you be more confident and optimistic about the future. It rids you of many worries that most families have and allows you to be much happier than you will otherwise.
30 years from now, do you want to think back and realize how ignorant you were in neglecting your finances? While it’s quite boring to spend time on your finances, start caring about your finances right now. It could be as short as 15 minutes a day, but it will rid you of the dirt and help you stay healthy long term.
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What a funny title, but very true analogy. I really enjoyed reading this blog. It reminded me of something that I read in the book “Millionaire Next Door”. I may not retell it exactly, but the authors were basically saying how everyday tasks (such spending time on personal finance) are mundane and not interesting to us. They went on to describe this huge media story about a basketball player who spent thousands of dollars on several pairs of shoes in one day. The story was so exciting that it was retold over and over again by media. The authors went on to explain that our human nature is excited about stories like that and that a story about a prudent mother who is going over personal finances every night would not make the media, because we don’t find it very interesting, but it is something that we could all benefit from.
Maja Kuc Corbic, CPA, CA
And let’s also think about all the time we spend doing things that are not productive. Or the things we do that don’t give us much joy.
yeahill take that advise as i am a teen
I could so relate to this – I have a 13 year old son and, while it’s gotten better over the last year, we still sometimes have major battles about his showering. Tonight he tried the whining approach – it didn’t work.
As far as spending time every day on your finances, I have a program called the Money Merge Account that is an online money management system that makes keeping track of my finances a total breeze and makes me want to look at it every couple of days. It also is helping me to pay off my mortgage in less than 10 years (rather than the 25 years I had left to pay.). It’s actually almost like a financial video game. Since it updates my “Years to Pay Off” my debt in real-time, every time I earn or spend money, it becomes like a game – I want to see that number go down so I make better more educated financial decisions about how I spend my money. It’s very cool.
Absolutely.. I was a complete idiot. My mom was a financial wizz which you lead you to think that I’d be one, too. Nope, not so much. My mom taught me a lot and it wasn’t until I got older that I realized how valuable her insight was. Now, I listen to hear dutifully. She’s my own personal financial planner and is my insurance for keeping my money safe and growing.
I think that people underestimate how much of a difference just a couple of minutes a day can make. An even more effective way, may be to spend an hour a month. If you dedicate one hour a month to your finances, this can make tremendous difference in your financial prosperity. For example, a couple of months ago, I re-evaluated my bills and thought that I may be paying too much for my auto-insurance. I spent 15 minutes on the internet, and found 3 deals that topped what I was already paying. After about 15-20 minutes on the phone, I was saving over $100 a month. That one hour that month is now saving me over $1200 a year.
This is so true. I’ve never understood how people can go to work for 8-12 hours a day and not spend 8-10 minutes to make sure that all that money they are earning is actually being used appropriately.
Good analogy and so true about all those things we know we should be doing. Exercising, studying, house cleaning, my list is really long.
Hello. First, I´d like to thank you the reply to my previous comment, it was very nice of you.
About this post: I agree, you made a point.
Personal finance needs care every day, if you let it pile, than it´s more difficult to be in control and track things (just like clothes to iron).
I never thought of it like a shower, lol.
You know, I think most kids have a stage when they don´t want to bath.
Anyway, it was an interesting metaphor and makes all sense to me.
A good Sunday. Mizé.
i strongly agree…but for now on my own, i don’t have savings i don’t spend much that even a pair of shoes is hardly for me to shell out. i dont have single cents but i have small running business that i invest for my future. unfortunately, until now still vague for me the balance of finances..
I agree, it doesn’t take long in the first instance to get yourself up and running. I find that sometimes I take longer than 15 mins since there are a number of things I manage but initially the time spent was only small.
That 15 mins though is probably some of the best time you can spend getting your finances right.
Yes – in 30 years, or even 20, your outlook will be different. When you are debt free, sitting in your mortgage free home, financially pretty much worry free, set for retirement, and able to make life-style choices based on your heart and not your pocketbook, you will be thankful that you took the time to take care of your finances 🙂
You’re right, its the same thing as studying for tests – you feel so proud when you really earn that A+. It’s always effective to find a way to make boring things fun, even if you have to fool yourself into it for the first few days.
Moneymonk: I gotta say that I’ve been trying to be as clean as possible lately 😀
It’s usually the boring things that gets you ahead, not the fun stuff.
That is why most Americans live check to check, it’s more fun to spend money than it is to save money.
I balance it: a little saving and a little spending’
great post.