How To Financially Prepare for A New Baby

by Connie Mei · 8 comments

A baby on the way is a very exciting time for any family. Whether you’re new parents or adding to your growing family, preparing for your new arrival can already feel like a handful. Aside from the upcoming sleepless nights and never ending diaper changes, one of your biggest concerns is probably your finances. According to, the average middle class family will spend $12,000 on child-related expenses in the baby’s first year of life. That’s not a small chunk of change. So how do you prepare financially while trying to juggle all the new responsibilities that come with a new baby at the same time?

It’s definitely not an easy task and there’s really no rule book on how to parent, especially when it comes to finances. One tip we know works though, and it’s that the earlier you start preparing, the better you’ll be able to set up for your baby’s future. Before your baby’s arrival, take a look at this checklist on easy things you can do to financially prepare now:

Redo Your Budget

With the arrival of your new bundle of joy, life as you know it will probably never be the same again. The same goes for your budget. It’s time to review and redo your budget, as baby expenses will now take up a large portion of your spending. Do your research and understand how much baby items really cost. From food to diapers, it’s probably more expensive than you think. You should also make a shopping list of everything you need once the baby arrives. From there, once you have an estimate, figure out how you can scale back your budget. Obvious areas to cut back on are entertainment and dining out (as new parents, you probably won’t have time for that anyways!)

financially prepare for a new babyUnderstand Your Health Insurance

One of the biggest costs to a new baby is the medical costs. Not only does your baby need health care, which is especially crucial in his/her first year, but labor and delivery costs can be significant as well. Well before your expected due date, take some time to understand your health insurance. Be sure to understand what is covered and what you will be paying for out-of-pocket. Also, once your child is born, make sure to add him/her to your own policy. Most health plans require you to do this within 30-60 days. Also consider choosing a pediatrician that is within your network to limit costs.

Shop Wisely for Baby Items

There are so many cute baby items on the market that you’ll probably end up spending a fortune on. Try to prevent that from happening though. Yes, you’ll want to spoil your baby and that’s totally fine, but keep in mind that babies grow into toddlers very quickly. That also means they’ll grow out of those expensive clothes and toys you bought quickly as well. There are a few items worth the costs, but learn to shop wisely for baby items and spend where it makes most sense, like gear and food.

Plan for Childcare

Most companies in the United States offer new mothers at most 3 months of maternity leave and much less for dads. Eventually, you’ll have to go back to work and think about childcare. Having the help of grandparents or other friends and family will save you a ton, but if not, make sure to plan for the expenses financially and well ahead of time. You will also want to interview nannies or visit daycare centers to make sure you find the right fit for your family.

David’s Note: Make doubly sure to look for childcare options early. Daycare centers in many parts of the country have a waitlist, so you don’t want to be stuck with ones that have many openings for your kid. You also want to make sure the daycare is licensed to take care of infants at the age when they first arrive at the facility. This is all standard for childcare centers so they will ask you when you actually get there but never assume on your own and confirm with administration well before you have to drop them off.

Start Thinking About College

Lastly, it’s never too early to start thinking about college. It may be 18 years away but it’s also a huge expense so you want to start preparing for it now. You should start putting away money for your child’s education as soon as possible. Consider putting your money into a 529 college savings plan, where earnings will grow tax-free and won’t be taxed when taken out to pay for college.

Your finances will change drastically with a baby on the way, but you’ll be able to worry less and spend more quality time with the little one with the right planning and prepping.

Editor's Note: Did you know about the service called $5 meal plans? For $5 a month, they send you recipes of delicious, healthy, yet cheap food that costs just $5 a meal.

Several of my friends signed up and they are able to eat at home more because the instructions are easy to follow, making everything convenient. The deal also comes with grocery shopping lists, which saves them so much time. Check it out yourself by clicking here and you too may be able to save more and become healthier at the same time.

Money Saving Tip: An incredibly effective way to save more is to reduce your monthly Internet and TV costs. Click here for the current Verizon FiOS promotion codes and promos to see if you can save more money every month from now on.

{ read the comments below or add one }

  • Ruchika says:

    Great article on how to prepare yourself financially while welcoming your child into this world. Checkout this article on how to save tax with investments in child’s name:

  • DNN says:

    Getting that side hustle going is preparation for future “side hustle millionaire” status and welcoming new babies. All the $ gUaP $ is online in affiliate marketing! 🙂

  • DNN says:

    Children are a blessing. 🙂

  • Mike says:

    What kind of tax credits are available? My friends have a 1 year old and they said they got $6k in tax credits when they had their baby. Does that sound right??

  • Brad - says:

    GREAT tips!

    I’ll add to this a different perspective. My “baby” is 21 now and in college. She’s costing us about $12k per year (still) – above tuition costs. Looking forward to graduation (just one more year!) because it will be a huge relief to our budget. 🙂

    • David @ says:

      $12,000 on top of tuition?!? OMG! Though I have more than a decade, I better save up even more since I have two kids with at least 17 more years to go.

  • Myfinancekits says:

    I never knew that baby expenses can add up to $12,000. This is much! The fact that we don’t spend the money at once makes it look as if having a new baby is not that expensive. Your article is an eye opener. It will help people plan adequately.

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