I have seen it time and time again. My dad changing careers because of $50 a month, my friends switching jobs for a better pay and my old classmates telling me they demanded a higher salary or they consider quitting. Let’s face it. Money is an important part of our job and without it, we wouldn’t be grinding the 9-5.
Stop the “Show Me The Money” Attitude
Money, however is not what we really want. Money is what we need, and most people are surprised to find that we really don’t need that much of it. I recently decided to give up a 6-figure salary to go full time blogging. While it was a decision that will force Emma and I to cut back on some of the luxuries we enjoyed, we will also be much happier. We won’t be driving nice cars, living in a mansion and watching hired gardeners work on our lawn. Instead, we will be spending more time walking to get our groceries, figuring out a way to even get a house and working on our garden together.
At first glance, it would be a wrong decision to quit but what Emma and I gained are precious moments of being together. As a salesperson in my current job, it was hard for me to stay at home much. I was traveling 40% of the time, and I would be so tired from all the timezone differences and lack of sleep to enjoy the rest of the time that I was home.
Consider These Points About Your Job
I know that many people are working solely because of the salary, so this article is for you. Consider the following about your job to see if it’s the right choice for you.
Out of City Travel
Some jobs just require traveling. My job would be great for a bachelor that likes being in different cities but it’s not so great for someone who wants to start a family. Don’t underestimate the disadvantage of not being at home.
Location and Commute
There’s someone at my office that drives 130 miles to and from work each day. He typically spends at least 2 and a half (if not more) hours every day on the road. On top of his 9-10 hour work days, he only has time to drive, work and sleep for at least 5 days out of the week. He’s not alone though, the record for longest commute is 186 miles, each way..
Work Environment
There are companies that are fun to work for and there are others. Work environment should be about what you are comfortable with and not what you can tolerate. If it’s a new job, your first instinct is usually the right one so learn to trust it. You can also get a sense during the interview and remember to ask your interviewer to give you a tour of the company to get an even better idea before you commit.
Coworkers that You Directly Interact With
Many companies will have employees that are less than stellar and often become blockers. These people usually cause more grief than relief for yourself. Either find a way to:
- Teach them to be team players
- Get rid of them
- Work yourself out of any interactions with them
- Polish your resume and start looking for another job
Every time these people stand in the way, you are either spending more time at work or being upset about it. Absolutely unnecessary.
The Boss
The supervisor and everyone above the chain of command (including head of the company) can make your life in the corporate world a delight or a train wreak. It’s has to do with the rules, the instructions and the guidance. If you don’t respect your boss, it’s time to get a transfer or find a new place to practice your expertise. It’s as clear cut as that. You don’t need the stress and your family certainly don’t appreciate it either. Every excuse you give yourself is only because of the money and you know it.
Passion for What You Do
Unless you have passion for what you do, it’s very hard to enjoy your day-to-day job. Being passionate about your work is also the needed drive for you to succeed. You know if you are passionate about something, so if you are wondering, then the answer is obvious.
Go find something you are passionate about, and live a happy life instead.
Do What’s Best For Your Family
There’s always a choice and it is entirely yours. It’s not always about the money, or so they say. This time, they are right.
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It’s all well and good about giving up your job to do full-time blogging but where are you going to get money for you and Emma (and I guess your future family)? Kids cost a lot these days and unless you want to deny them a lot of opportunities you need to make at least some money.
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Congratulations on making the transition to full time blogger. I just subscribed and am excited to learn what’s in store.
Now that there seem to be more financial decisions being made in order to stay financially afloat – like how can I afford to fill up the tank AND buy groceries – I think this is a timely post.
Working folks tend to get too comfortable in jobs of convenients and instead of finding work that is more fulfilling and financially profitable, they choose to sit and try to make ends meet without making any postive changes and wonder why they never get anywhere.
Hope your posts rings a bell or two for those considering an upgrade to their lives. Nice job.
I had worked at Burger King for many, many years. I was and am good at it(working in the kitchen). I just recently took a job back on there, and I am 50 years old. My husbands new job, well we moved, his job is just across the street, and $5 an hour more, and for what he is good at. Welding.
When we moved here in June we made a thing, we are saving 1000 a month and buy a CD a month. Now with me working, we will be buying 2 CD’s per month. We will be retiring into a house we own 50 miles away, hoping at age*him*58. Right now renting an apt. This way when he retires at 58 we can cash in one CD a month. Yes we have made changes to our life style, cuz we need to get this savings thing done..(we aren’t getting any younger) Today is our 2nd anniversary.
I have to hand it to you, are you really giving up a 6 figure income? Great you can make such big changes for you marriage.. Having big money isn’t everything, us making way, way,way less, live a great life too, just without all the luxuries. Welcome.
Being debt free changes my outlook from the money to the benefits. I work for the fully paid health insurance. And more family time.
Because I do not work for the money, I am able to work only 4 days a week -30-32 hours usually – just enough to keep over the 30/hr/wk minimum for medical insurance.
Just as important is the flexibility – if I need to go pick up sick grandkids from school,(their Mom’s gone back to college and works full time also) or have them at work with me in the summer once in awhile, it is not a problem at all. This employer allows me to put family just as high on the priority list as the actually work I do. For that I am very very grateful. It is a great situation for me:)
And the commute is 4 miles each way 🙂
True about time and commute. I spend 4 hours on the road alone+ 9to10 hours in the office. If you’re a family man or you would like a happy, satisfying and enjoyable life, strive to increase your passive income so that you could resign from your job and spend more time with people you value most.
This is my goal and the author of this blog is my role model. Cheers.
Fix My Personal Finance
Great post and the last part about passion is spot. I wrote a recent post on 21 signs you are losing interest in your job, and I think most of them play to this point – when you lose the passion or challenge in your job, you lose interest and start the downward spiral towards becoming an inefficient worker. Something to be wary off.
Other than working from home, I reckon the best thing anyone can do is live as near to work as possible. With fuel costs going through the roof it’ll make sense in the long run.
I so hear you about it not being about the money. That’s why I have decided to stay where I’m at until I’m making enough online to quit. I could quit my current job, go work somewhere else, and still be miserable. NOT worth it.
FFB: Good luck and don’t procrastinate and delay your decision/analysis. Remember to seriously consider your situation before taking action though as you are ultimately responsible for your own life.
Great thoughts. I’ve been thinking a lot about this recently myself.