My fiancée and I talked about the fact that we can probably use each other’s credit cards to purchase things without getting caught. We realized that more times than not, we aren’t asked to show our IDs when we use our credit cards. We decided to brainstorm where we have bought something using our credit cards without showing our ID and came up with this list.
- Anything online
- Restaurants
- Groceries via self checkout
- Gas stations
- Drug store
- Convenient stores
- Coffee
- Tons of entertainment venues
* note that this list is based on my experience in the United States.
We concluded that we can live our lives with someone else’s credit card without ever showing our ID. Even without all the online stuff because we can virtually get anything over the internet nowadays, we can still get food, gas, coffee, and have fun with someone else’s credit card without fear. Now that I think about it, I can even get a 0% balance transfer credit card without ever showing my ID in the States!
Now, what about the places that asks you for ID?
- Larger department stores
- Groceries at the cashier
- Beer stores
- Bar (if you dare use a credit card)
Obviously there are some places that asks us for our IDs when we use our credit cards. Some of these places (like the bar) actually ask because they need to ID regardless but that’s not the point. I don’t understand why some stores check our IDs and some don’t. I can understand not asking if the amount is small, but what about places where the transaction is high?
Something else that is interesting is how each country handles credit card verification. I was born in Hong Kong, and people there always check the signature on the back of our cards against the one on the receipt. Everyone can argue that the signature can be forged, but it is at least better than not checking anything at all.
UK is taking a dramatic approach to this. They have gone to something called “chip and pin” where each credit card requires a pin similar to what we required for debit cards in the US. My friend actually went to UK recently and they won’t allow him to rent a car with his credit card because his credit card did not support the chip and pin technology. A nationwide change to combat this might be a little extreme but at least the country is telling their citizens that they will put in the effort to stop croaks.
How do you feel about this whole subject? Have you actually caught someone using someone else’s credit card? Have you accidentally used a card that’s not yours? Share with us your thoughts.
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I don’t think iv ever used anyone’s card by mistake. As for using someone else’s card at all? As i recall i may have, it was my fathers card and i think i may have tried to use it, but then i had my aunt sign his name or something while she was also with me…sigh i honestly don’t remember exactly how it went. Anyway i think that as long as they have permission it would be nice if the credit card companies and merchants would allow the use of another persons card.
Today, while I was at work, my sister stole my iphone and tested to
see if it can survive a 40 foot drop, just
so she can be a youtube sensation. My apple ipad is
now destroyed and she has 83 views. I know this is entirely off topic but I had to share it with someone!
Get a copy of the video, take it to the local police, press charges, go see your sister in jail and ask her how she likes being locked up for her stupidity. Make her buy you a new phone or give her a knuckle sandwich to the nose, her choice.
Very good article. In South Africa, both debit and credit cards are PIN encrypted. But, as in your country, cashiers do not ask for further ID nor do they check signatures. Banks, on the other hand ask for a bar coded ID for every transaction that is not at a teller or teller assist transaction machine. In addition, they make a copy of your ID document. I worry about the thousands of trees or green lungs that have to be processed to do this. Ah, well some things take time. Change will come.
I had bought a product from amazon with online leaked credit card. I thought that it shows error but it worked and I got confirmation page but I immediately cancelled my order and I got an email from amazon saying “your order was cancelled and your money will be deposited to your account after 5 days. Is anything going to happen to me because it is actually done by mistake? Is anyone do anything? Please reply me fast.
What you did is, unfortunately, illegal. It’s best to seek legal advice before you make any more moves that could further put you in more trouble.
Take this advice into consideration next time you have taken to the emergency
room. Most negative people do not understand the functioning’s of MLM marketing and if they haven’t succeeded using the binary scheme offered by Goldquest, they won’t succeed anywhere else either. Dental insurance life may happen when a dental office inflates bills or falsifies billing codes. Plan ahead:” You want to disguise the zit and make it healthier.
I use my GF’s credit card all the time for just about anything you can think of. I even rented a car by taking her id and having them confirm over the phone with her (she had called in advance as well). One of her cards is not even signed on the back, and only 4 or 5 times have I had the cashier notice this over the last 8 years, and I was able to talk them in to letting me use it one time. I only have trouble at major department stores and occasionally at the grocery store (only with large purchases- $100 or more).
I have had success at the department stores and grocery stores with a cashier; the smaller the purchase, the more likely I am to succeed. The only thing the article left out was fast food which always works.
Sign your card. Vendors should not take your card without a signature. I add “Please check ID” and 1 out of 3 vendors actually checks. I shopped yesterday and had only my card (ID was in the car) and they took my card because they know me; Shopping Local for the win:win.
We all pay for fraudulent card use, forged cards, etc. CC fraud is growing; ask your CC bank to use chip-n-pin; it would be an improvement that would save us all money. I hate to see the gov’t involved in my life too much, but maybe I should write my congresspeople.
I came here looking for answers to my question. My boss wants me to use her bank card for household expenses regarding the care of her children. I am a Nanny. The bank card has once been denied and another time she called me wondering if I ordered “stuff” on it via online, which I had not. She canceled the card for fraud and it has made me feel very uncomfortable. She recently mentioned she has obtained another card for me. I do not want to use her card! She is very flaky about her stuff and has had in the past step children steal from her yet she continues to leave money, credit cards, checks etc laying out around the house, anyone could get them.
Am I correct in telling her (btw she is a lawyer) it’s illegal for me to carry one of her bank cards?
I do not want to have my name associated with a fraud investigation! I would love to know the proper way of dealing with this. Thanks.
Restaurants never ask for id, even the word is printed instead of owners signature “Ask for ID” at the back of the card. I have heard that you can request the bank to have two cards, one for you and one for your spouse. You both can have two different cards linking to the same account with valid credit procedures in place. If it’s a debit, it’s easier.
For credit, I always tell folks to have their own. Down the road, you never know the fruits of life. Hope never happens to anyone. For Divorce, For Making sure that both spouses are involved in paying off bills such as mortgage, car loans etc, it’s always best to do with two separate accounts from same or different bank.
Having your own bank of statement shows your part in financial contribution, and the other would be of your husband/wife.
Remember, future is not always pleasant as it might appear to be today. So, one needs to be prepared for good or nasty situations, should they ever arrive in life.
I would say, have two cards. In my country (Nepal), they accept all kinds of debit/credit cards, but VISA is the easiest one to cash in as they have many VISA ATMs and not all places accept otehr cards including MasterCard, and forget about getting any money out of DISCOVER.
Don’t where one travels, I would like to surely talk to the bank representative. (not from the web or lousy wiki written by some nerds). As you worry about your health and get vaccinated when travelling; specially to third would countries, one should do the same with banks, consult. Carry less money, and when you need more, use ATM overseas and done. In Nepal, they rarely check IDs, as one user has mentioned above. Legal age for going to bar in Nepal is only 18, and beer? everyone drinks here, so !
Having one account, two cards will confuse who paid what? Solution. Get your own card, let him have his own. That’s the best solution in my view. Those afraid of buying online using their cards, there is a valid reason. Open one either on the same bank or different, put just a tiny amount there, transfer etc, and use that card. If anything goes wrong, such as theft via keyloggers, trojon horses-makers, hijackers, (darn, these people never get caught!, that’s why they are never put in line with scientists), theft protection plan needs to be read carefully; do not understand why some state they will refund more while others are not included. To give you an example. so called LifeLock, a program to block identity theft says they will stop it, it’s nonsense, also they will cover up to a million but does not mention if its for all state….. as of this date of writing, they do not cover NC and many other states.
As they say, never trust anyone, not even your own best friend or spouse, specially for money matters. And big banks are charging god-da*m fees like you must maintain 200 minimum balance, and printing monthly balance charge up to five dollar, overdraft 35 dollar a day, and so on. No wonder, people are now moving to small community banks. I did and I am happy to say good buy to freaking bailed out bank WellsFargo. We had wachovia, great people, great bank, since WF bought the Wacho, all is hell from now on. Tech support is a joke, they actually teach you, insult your intelligence, are they so angry all the time when you ask them why a deposit has not been made? they tell me a story. next day I go to the bank, the money is deposited and shown. The phrase by WF, oh, “we will have a smooth transfer from Wacho to WF” is a complete joke. WF sucks, don’t know about Bank of America. BB&T also falls among the bad banks, if you have money here, it’s time to move else where. They are charging this and that fee like crazy.
All right folks, no credit cards, just debit. Save little by little and have yourself a debit card, credit is like sitting on a branch and cutting the branch from the tree without you knowing what’s going happen at the end.
My dad has SEE ID on all his cards, and i would say 75% people ask him for it. he always uses his credit card or some sort of plastic because he never carry cash on him ( some times i think its because it makes it easier to say “NO” to me when i ask for a dollar to get a drink from the vending machines lol). in my middle school money class we were told ( even in the curriculum) to put SEE ID on the back of all your cards. you would bee surprised at how many middle schoolers have some sorta plastic :/ but not me. im from the USA to just to let u know because i noticed how many people on here were from somewhere else.
I don’t usually pay attention to my credit cards because my daughter has used them and pays the bills. But someone beside my daughter has used the card and I am now 9,000. in debt. Some chages were hers but alot of them were from th con artist they she got mixed up with. The girl had proof that she had several thousand $ in an out of state bank she she was allow to rack up lots of charges since she had the money. She is now in prison. SHE HAD NO MONEY AT ALL. We didn’t put her away she was caught on early charges of the very same thing. My daughter and I are usually very good judges of people but she was a master of cons.
My question is: Can someone still steal from you if they only had the credit card number and not the security code or pin? I was recently pressured through phone to give the long number out but hung up before they could get security code and pin..
All of you who are saying it is a violation for Mastercard, etc. to request ID during a transaction obviously haven’t read your card TOS in a while. This is directly from the Mastercard website:
Q: A merchant required me to provide identification to use my MasterCard card
A: There are certain situations when you use your MasterCard card where a merchant may require some personal information: for example for the shipping purposes, . Additionally, if the MasterCard card is unsigned, a merchant should request personal identification (but not record it) and ask the cardholder to sign the card before completing the transaction
So- not only can they request ID, they can force you to sign an unsigned card before completing a transaction. It is their duty as a Mastercard merchant.
Actually Visa and MasterCard do not allow the requirement of ID as condition of purchase. If you are asked you can actually complain in writing for violation of merchant agreement.
this is the first time i saw this post..and as far as i have read it seems like the main root of the issue would be to have a “Responsible” card holder and not just sharing and giving out info`s to other person even if it wold be your wife, your friend, or your relatives as well..
to be responsible enough to your belongings would make you feel comfty where ever you would like to shop or dine..
did that make sense guys? stop sharing your cards and bills haha..though i dont mean to be self centered.. have a good day to you all..
are you kidding me? Refuse to show ID.. You’ve obviously never had your credit card stolen. This happened to me today.
Yep card was stolen yesterday, the idiot used it at MCDonalds and b/c the purchase is under $25 MCDonalds doesn’t require a pin number or and ID check.
VISA AND MASTERCARD Policy prohibits merchants from asking for ID on any purchase under $100 (one hundred dollars) unless the merchant has reason to believe the card is being used fraudulantely… How do I know? CUZ I called CORPORATE HQ and asked. If the purchase is over 100 then they can ask.
And about the cc company who issued it being responsible, if the card is reported stolen while charges are pending (which with online banking these days you can see everything pending your acct thats how I realized my card had been stolen) the CC Company can refuse to pay the charge and I won’t be charged either, so MCDonalds ends up eating the money… hahah thats funny, which they should. I think merchants should require a pin or signature it takes 10 more seconds I mean really is it that big of a deal? And further more, unless you have a cashier that has remembering everything they see as their superpower, chances are they aren’t going to remember your credit card number, your 3 digit id number on the back and your address from your drivers license. Please…
Those of you asked to show ID when using a credit card should simply refuse. It’s a huge source of identify theft. Show your ID to an unscrupulous clerk, and now they now only have your credit card number but your address as well. A very bad idea. As others have noted, the merchant is absolutely prohibited from requiring ID to complete the sale.
That seems like backwards thinking. The one way you can prevent fraud is illegal because it might cause fraud. Everyone should be required to prove their identity when not paying with cash or any activity that you have to have a record attached to your name
I usually use the self-checking machines at the supermarket. I typically use my CC because of benefits. I have to show an ID when I spend more than $50. I can’t remember the last time the clerk looked at my signature and compared it to that on the card, however.
Also, a card that is not signed or as “see ID” written in the signature line is not a valid credit card, and should not be accepted.
Correction to all of you:
It is against the contracts that credit card companies have with stores to ask for ID. Store are, in fact, NOT allowed to ask for ID with ANY purchase. Visa will actually terminate their contracts with stores (leaving them unable to accept Visa) if they discover that a large number of their customers are having issues with 1 particular store.
Clearly, people do not read the paperwork and inserts that come with their credit cards. 😉
Consumers neeed to realize that they have been made the fool,the banks nor the association care about your finances. They take it on the chin. Ive been trying for five years to bring a full proof system using your id along with your credit debit or ins. card using special software design to just simply match your info like a hand shake then its simlply gone……. The info never leaves the pos. Even with a data breach the info is no good because, you need your id……………………………
Also, none of my cards are signed.
You should sign your cards. Someone might steal your cards and sign your name. Then when he uses it, his signature will match that on the card.
In the four years since I first got a credit card at 18, I have NEVER been asked for ID unless the item I was purchasing required proof of age 18/21. However, I have sometimes been asked to sign for my purchases though this is not always the case.
I am amazed at the casual attitude people have when using credit cards. I work for a teaching institution and happen to deal with credit card payments on a daily basis. Most of the cards I see are not signed, let alone, not in the name of the person in front of me. Our institution requires that we only accept a card in the name of the person making the payment. If the card is not signed, we are required to ask to check signature on a valid ID, otherwise, we can refuse to accept the card as payment. It makes some customers unhappy but at the end, it is for their protection.
When you pay for merchandise with a Visa card, MasterCard, or American Express any store that accepts these cards should accept yours too, no questions asked. It’s part of the deal that merchants agree to when they become participating members.
They must check your signature and the card – electronically or by telephone – to be sure it’s valid. Once the answer comes up yes, they can go ahead and charge. They can’t ask you for any further identification – not a license plate number, Social Security number, proof of address, phone number or photo ID.
Your personal ID isn’t needed because Visa, MasterCard, and American Express all guarantee payment on cards that have been properly checked. If the issuer mistakenly authorizes a sale on a bad card, it should make good. MasterCard says that merchants receive instant settlement. The contract MasterCard merchants sign specifically prevents them from asking for personal ID.
Unfortunately, not all merchants play by the rules. Some, apparently, haven’t read them.
MasterCard wants to hear about merchants who break their rules. Send the name and address and an account of what happened to MasterCard WorldWide 2000 Purchase St. Purchase, NY 10577 or call 1-800-300-3069. The merchant’s bank will get a stiff letter, ordering it to investigate and bring the offending store into line – or pay a $2,000 fine. You may also report violations online:
Visa enforces the same rules as MasterCard. “When we hear about a violation, we ask the bank that signed the merchant to get together with the merchant and see that the practice is stopped,” Visa representative states. Violations of Visa’s Operating Regulations result in fines of no less than $5,000. To report a merchant, write to Visa Inc. P.O. Box 8999 San Francisco, CA 94128-8999 or call 1-800-VISA-911.
American Express also prohibits merchants from asking for IDs. “All a merchant is supposed to do is make sure the signature matches and swipe the card through the terminal, to get authorization.” Report violations to: American Express P.O. Box 297812 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33329-7812 or call 1-800-528-4800 or report online:
Having to show ID is a no brainer. You have to wonder what the nerds were thinking to deliberately forbid using a proper ID in a financial transaction. It’s kinda like “You have to pass it to read it.” It give me no heartburn to be asked for my ID. Charges for CC use would go down if all fraud were caught and the culprits shown to a cell in a jail. Have a little integrity, it might boost your self image.
EVERTIME i have used my cc at walmart i have been asked for id. Walgreens does NOT ask for id or to sign receipt unless the purchase is $30.00 or more.
Some ahole just used my Discover card number twice on 12/14 (in the same day) at Winn Dixie in Miami. Charged around $400, took 2 $100 advances plus about $200 in groceries. The thing is, I still have the card. That means they must have copied the number when I made a charge somewhere (we were in Orlando from Dec 1-16) and Winn Dixie allowed them to use the number without having the actual card. This should NOT be allowed. While I don’t have to pay the charges, it’s still an inconvenience since I lose the use of Discover for 2 weeks until I get a new card plus I have to notify a couple of vendors of the new number.
Plus, the cost of those fraudulent transactions got passed on to everyone else via higher fees.
Maybe the crook made a counterfeit card.
It should be pointed out that writing “See ID” on the back of your credit card is not only ineffective (you’ll almost never be asked for it), it also violates your agreement with the credit card issuer.
When you sign the back of your card you’re signing for two reasons. One, you’re signing so that a vigilant merchant could compare the signature — but that’s only of small concern. The much bigger issue is that by signing the card you’re agreeing to the terms of the customer agreement sent by your credit card issuer. People suggesting you write “See ID” are actually suggesting that you violate your card agreement, and the merchant is usually obligated to confiscate your card on presentation. A traveling companion of mine had this happen when she went to purchase a ticket at an airline counter. It was a big pain, because that was her only credit card.
Merchants ARE NOT ALLOWED by either VISA or MasterCard to ask for identification — in fact, MasterCard has a site where you can report such a violation by a merchant (
Instead, if a merchant suspects a fraudulent transaction, they are supposed to call a hotline for specific approval (instead of the general approval given by the terminal). If approval is given at this stage by the card issuer, the merchant will not be held liable even if the transaction is fraudulent. To approve the transaction the issuer might either review the cardholders purchase record (is it in line with past purchases, sizes, geography, etc.) and sometimes attempt to call the cardholder at home or on their cell (I have had this happen in the Apple Store when buying a computer). More frequently, however, the issuer will merely ask to speak to the customer and verify a few additional security details before approving the transaction.
I found a CC left behind in an ATM and I bought a set of nice white cotton sheets and then I told my mental health doctor and he made me cut the card up right there and then in the consulting room.
I’ve also bought things legitimately with other people’s cards and signed my own name and nobody blinked an eyelid.
I’ve got a business only CC because it works out my monthly GST, but I ditched my personal CC because it did nothing for me, especially it didn’t ever get me a cash discount no matter how many times I asked.
Unknown you are so funny, you are also a Master Comedian, and John you are not. and it’s retina.
Getting anything for free is pretty good. i grew opium poppies in my front yard and got some free painkiller from that. I also grow parsley, thyme, rosemary and my passionfruit vine has finally begun to flourish after 2 years.
I caught the bus today instead of driving and I told the driver I didn’t have the fare and he let me ride for free.
Oh, you’re so dignified.
Uknown: you are a criminal mastermind? by the sounds of it your nothing but a petty thief, i mean common credit/debit card fraud is hardly criminal mastermind buisness is it…
Oh and one final thought…Would a ‘Criminal Mastermind’ waste his and everybody elses time by leaving a totaly ename comment on a discusion site?
MoneyNing: i went to a convension in tokyo and was amazed to see a cash machine which required a finger print sample aswell as a four digit personal identification number. Although im sure this would come into effect in countrys like the uk due to human rights infringement.
I wonder how long it will be before we see retner scanning technology in our cash machines and Pds’s
I am a mastermind thief working for a financial institution. I regulary will use peoples credit/debit card details to purchase goods for myself online. By sending the goods to a third party and an unknown email address the transation can never be traced back to me
I was born in El Salvador and go back there to vacation often. There, when you use a credit card, not only do you have to show your ID but they also write your ID/DL number on the receipt and ask you for your phone number. Credit card fraud is not something they see too often. If you’re not local, they check your passport, they don’t play with that.
Oddly enough, I don’t think I’ve had to show ID more than twice. My cards aren’t signed either. It’s a game to me. When I used to work in retail, I’d always ask if a card wasn’t signed. I don’t think that’s illegal, it’s being cautious. We’d check bills to make sure they’re not fake, why not ID for unsigned cards?
I wrote “Check ID” in my signature line but am amazed at how often it does NOT happen… altho I rarely use the card anyway…
I think I will write as above Photo ID required….
who cares if they dont ask for ID. If the card is stolen and used, the credit card company reverses the charge(once the user complaints) and the merchant has to prove that the owner of the card actually used it. If the merchant cannot prove it then he has to pay a heavy fine. The credit card user is completely protected as long as he reports the loss and contests the charge on the bill.
They don’t ask for ID because they are not allowed to. That is, if it’s a Visa card. Most people who ask for ID don’t know they shouldn’t.
i am tired and seek of poverty
i use my husbands card for just about everything… no one has ever noticed, interestingly because he has a very male name (christopher) and i am obviously female, i have been suprised a few times because the clerk will look at his name and hand me the pen to sign mine. i do always sign my name to the receipts, our bank has never cared (and no, my name is not on the account with his)
You are aware that a credit card is considered a valid form of identification, right? It’s just not a photo ID (in most instances) or government issued.
Also, in the US it’s a violation of Mastercard and Visa merchant agreements to require secondary photo identification before accepting credit card payment. It’s also a violation to set a minimum or maximum amount for credit card transactions, or to add additional fees for credit card use.
Fenrir: I agree that something is better than nothing. I’m not sure if everyone complies to not storing the CVV information though since not everyone always ask for the CVV (even online stores).
I have a credit card merchant account as part of my business and I can tell you they have a variety of audit procedures to make sure this data isn’t being stored.
But then again, I only process cards over the phone and in person. I also have a non-online relationship with my clients. I’ve never had a fraudulent card, probably because we generally already have a pretty good idea about the person’s identify before accepting the card.
I do think that many people are faking the audits because how else could so much of the credit card data be available for online thieves and hackers?
Just wanted to point out the extra digits (usually 3) printed on a card (the CVV) are a security measure that is used online. While this is not the same as checking ID and its security could be argued it is still better than nothing. Further more IIRC it is against the terms a merchant agrees to with their credit card processor to store CVV.
Alex: 🙂 That’s why we go to school.
I’ve read in some book that make sense to write “Photo ID Required”, went to store, she read it on back of my card and said “You misspelled one word”. That’s it, what more you can ask from this smart girl. 🙂
Anna: Check out the link from Lazy Man a couple of comments up and you will see how America checks IDs 🙂
Emily: It is probably their policy to check for your ID. I wish that they care but it would be hard for me to imagine unless they are penalized somehow if the payment doesn’t go through and his/her boss paid.
Hi Money Ning, I am from Taiwan and my country is good at checking people’s signature.. I remember I signed my English name one time on the receipt, and I was reported to her manager. It’s a very interesting experience that proves me “THEY CARE”…
This remind me one of friends. She always writes “See my ID” on the back of the credit cards. How many people actually ask her to show the ID since 1999?? Just ONE..
Ann: Actually I believe the owner can adjust the $25 requirement. He/she must’ve thought that it would be more convenient to the customer and allowing does “more right than bad”.
I think the extra security code does help a little. Not much since it’s really just 3 more numbers but anything helps. I hope that one day everyone changes to smart card technology so all the croaks are drastically reduced.
Croak is what a frog does. A crook is the one who steals.
This is a concern to several of the customers where I work. Our machines don’t require us to ask for an ID or signature unless the purchase is over $25. Very rarely do the customers even have to use a PIN, even when using a debit card. The only thing our system does is decline the card if it’s used twice in the same day, which we managers can easily override.
Yet some other places require a signature if you buy a candy bar for a dollar. I don’t mind signing, though. I also don’t mind showing my ID at stores that may ask for it. I’d rather do that so they know it’s really me than have my cards stolen and spent willy-nilly by the thief.
The 3-digit security code on the back of debit cards – do you think that should be obliterated so would-be thieves can’t use them for purchases online?
The 3-digit number it’s to deter thieves for just snapping a photo if ones credit card in a quick hurry and running with it. Except now everyone seems to be aware of it and snaps a quick back photo or scribbles as well.
VG: Wow that’s quite alarming. I wonder if India is the only country that does this or if there are other places that do the same thing.
Hi Ning,
Its interesting how different countries verify credit cards.
I am from India and over there only rich people are supposed to have a credit card. If a store asks for ID its usually considered an insult and that they don’t trust the customers. I have never been asked for my ID while in India. Its very easy for CC fraudsters in India.
plonkee: I think the reason why my friend couldn’t get a car was because his credit card didn’t have the smart card on there. Ah well, another standard that everyone eventually will have to follow I assume.
Do the waiter/waitresses actually bring a card reader for you to put the pin pad when you pay at restaurants?
J2R: As I understand it, the fraud rate in the states is very low but it’s quite high in other countries which plays into how they handle the responsibilities etc etc.
ya thay do bring the card reader 2 u 2 put the pin in thay are not alowed 2 take your card 2 go n get it eather u have 2 put your card in the reader aswell infrount of them and so on ..
from what I can understand, once the credit card company authorizes the purchase, they’ll pay the company for it.
If it’s a stolen credit card and the owner reports it, the owner won’t re responsible for paying it as well.
So the credit card company is stuck with this “debt”. However, the money they make on absurd interest rates and merchant fees is enough to cover these cases.
Again, that’s just how I understand these things work
As a Brit, I’m used to chip and pin (it was introduced six months ago). It definitely helps with card fraud, except online. If you can’t use a pin number for some reason, you can still get a chip and sign card, but nearly all merchants now require you to have the chip, not just the magnetic stripe.
i guess u are having fun?