Great Summer Jobs that are Often Overlooked

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If you’re like me when I was in high school or in my earlier college years, then you will want to spend your summer earning (and saving) as much money as possible. The main problem at the beginning of the summer is that we realize we have no money and everyone knows the classic saying- you need money to make money. Well, you guys are in luck because I will provide you with a few jobs that require very little start up money.

I will not include the typical jobs that college students go for (retail work or restaurant server) because you already know about them. Instead, I want to talk about some of the summer jobs I have had that require very little funding:

  1. Lawn Care Services – You might have to purchase a lawn mower or a hedge trimmer but in many cases you can borrow the equipment from your parents or from the client. You can either work as an independent contract for a company that finds you clients in the community or you could put up flyers in your neighborhood to find your own clients.This job was ideal for me because I love being outdoors during the summer time. If you enjoy being out in nice weather and having a free workout at the same time, then this is the job for you too. Make sure you bring large amounts of water and sunscreen because nobody wants to see someone passed out on the grass.

    Editor’s Note: I did this when I was very young. I remember going to someone’s house with my family’s gas powered lawn mower and it was HEAVY. After a while, I couldn’t push it anymore and my mom actually came to help πŸ™‚ My family still talks about this, so just make sure you are fit enough to do this type of work before you start.

  2. Sports Official – All you need is a bicycle (depending on distance to the field) and your basic equipment (proper uniform and shoes). The pay usually depends on the sport, the age group of the participants, and the level of competition. You obviously can’t expect to be paid the same for officiating a game of 10 year olds compared to an All-Star game consisting of 18 year olds. I can only speak from experience and tell you guys about my time spent as a soccer referee. I got paid on a per game basis and my goal was to work at least 2 games an evening. At $25 a game and two games a night, the $50 is not bad at all for a part time job.

    Editor’s Note: I was in the soccer team in high school, and the referees that do a good job is actually the person on the field that runs the most. It’s a great workout and an extremely good way to build stamina, so it’s a great way to earn some money because you can quit your gym membership as well.

This is part of a series of guest posts from Studenomics, a personal finance blog for college students and recent graduates. It is a great resource for young people who are looking for common sense advice.

If you enjoy this article, consider checking out the others to help you with a productive summer.

Money Saving Tip: An incredibly effective way to save more is to reduce your monthly Internet and TV costs. Click here for the current Verizon FiOS promotion codes and promos to see if you can save more money every month from now on.

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  • Ann says:

    I used to mow lawns and work in the hay fields for money in the summer. I could make enough to pacify my rodeo habit plus buy my school clothes for the next fall. That was a long time ago (about 40 years now) but any young person who is willing to work can earn a pretty fair amount over the summer. I am now a manager for our local McDonald’s and we hire people every week. The main reason for the turnover with us is kids who don’t realize going in that they actually do have to work.

  • Blogging Banks says:

    Actually the easiest ways to make money is opening bank accounts which have account opening bonuses ranging from $25 to $200.
    Another job is always going to your retail store and asking for a job. Wal-Mart is always hiring. Always πŸ˜‰

  • Ryan @ SpendOnLife says:

    I pushed lawn movers several summers. You are certainly right about it being a great summer job. I also found it led to many other lucrative odd jobs and handy man work as well, the book of clientele you build is also worth something when you get ready to move on.

  • Craig says:

    The greatest summer job for me had to be camp counselor. Being younger in college, single, being outside all day with others my age playing with kids was the best, and yes hanging out with the cute girls was a huge added bonus. It’s fun, outside, meet tons of cool kids to hang out with after, and tips can be nice.

  • Dave says:

    I worked at a pizza place, but now, older and wiser, I wish I had worked construction to learn some handyman skills. Of course construction is dead now, so perhaps auto repair?

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