Good Health Can Save You Money

by Miranda Marquit · 8 comments

good health and money

One way you can save money is with the help of good health.

Good health habits can reduce your health care costs, and many of the things that you do to improve your health can actually help you live a more frugal lifestyle.

If you want to improve your health — and save money — here are some things to try:

how good health can save you money1. Use Your Car Less

Consider whether or not some errands you have can be accomplished walking or riding your bike. Even using public transportation can help you move more (walking to and from the stops).

These actions will help you stay in shape, and they can help you save money on gas. With gas prices rising rapidly again, relying less on your car — more on your feet — can result in real savings each month.

2. Grow Some of Your Own Food

Gardening is good exercise. Plus, being outside to tend your garden can improve your mood, boosting your emotional health. Growing your own food is often less expensive than buying it.

You can bottle or freeze some of it for later in the year as well. Cooking at home not only saves you money on your grocery shopping, but it also results in healthier, non-processed meals.

3. Create a Home Gym

You can create a home gym fairly cheaply with a few basic items. A stability ball, basic hand weights, and resistance bands can be a great foundation for a home gym.

There are plenty of free videos online to help you exercise, as well as inexpensive videos you can purchase. If you enjoy jogging, all you need is a pair of good running shoes. This can keep you healthy for much less than a gym membership.

4. Spend Less on Health Care with Better Habits

The above items can help you improve your health while spending less money each month. And, in the long run, these actions can save you money on health care costs. Keeping your body healthy is likely to keep you from developing expensive chronic problems with the heart and with diabetes.

While you can’t completely eliminate the risk of cancer, you can reduce it quite a bit with the right habits. This will save you money on health insurance costs, and other medical costs.

With a little planning, it is possible to live healthier, and save money at the same time. What do you do to live a healthier lifestyle?

Money Saving Tip: An incredibly effective way to save more is to reduce your monthly Internet and TV costs. Click here for the current Verizon FiOS promotion codes and promos to see if you can save more money every month from now on.

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  • DNN says:

    the one thing I’m doing right now ahead of the New Year’s schedule is getting my health back on track by increasing my cardio and doing the transformation work of inspiration or desperation.

  • Deette says:

    I just quit smoking in April, and I have gained almost 10 pounds in 2 months, but I am more active now that the weather is better, and I figure I can drop a few pounds but cannot grow a new lung. I am saving my “smoke” money in a jar, and plan on a vacation in a few months. Have a Fabulous & Frugal Day!!!

  • Toronto Cars says:

    And if you need to bring your car, park farther from the store. Not only will you get extra walking, but you might find a parking spot away from other cars – saves money on paint pings!

  • Jameson says:

    Our healthcare system is in trouble for essentially two reasons:

    1. Preventable chronic diseases
    2. Expensive long-term therapies/treatments for preventable chronic diseases.

    All one has to do is watch a season of The Biggest Loser to see that when the pounds start coming off, nutritious food replaces junk, and activity replaces sloth, Type 2 Diabetes improves (or disappears) , Cpac Machines (sleep apnea) and a the number of daily medications drops from dozens to zero. We are bankrupting our country paying to treat, the symptoms of these chronic abuse to our bodies, instead of standing up to the abusers and demanding that they take responsibility for their own actions (smoking, excessive and eating).

    Treating the symptoms does nothing but cost money. You only get cures when you focus on the causes.

    • KM says:

      Well said. Also, many heart problems are largely caused by excessive weight, especially around the midsection, and that’s one of the leading causes of death in this country…something to think about.

  • 20 and Engaged says:

    I’m trying to eat healthier and exercise more. I have a “total home gym” with intertubes and some free weights that I can do while watching TV. I tried making my own green drink, which wasn’t bad at all. With a $15 copay that can add up.

  • KM says:

    I think I am naturally driven to seek out healthy food since I grew up with fresh produce that I could just yank out of the ground, rinse, and eat. We didn’t even know what pesticides were until we came to this country. I don’t like sugar, salt, or oil, so I try to limit those when I cook (though it’s hard for the other people in my family since they all like those things). I wish walking to the store was more of an option, but the distance in my area is just not practical. I do try to go hiking as often as possible since it’s so relaxing and so good for you.

    We also have a garden in the backyard with strawberries, blackberries, currant, blueberries, apples, peaches, pears, cherries, plums, tomatoes, carrots, squash, onion, garlic, and herbs. I use as many of these items as possible for making my own baby food (the rest is made from organic vegetables and fruits and no other additives, and never premade baby food that you can buy).

    Another thing that’s so big here in Colorado is using sunscreen. I don’t use it every day (except on my face) since I work indoors, but definitely any time I go hiking or spend any significant time outside. You can’t completely prevent skin cancer, but you can do a lot to reduce your chances significantly. My 8mo also gets his dose of sunscreen every time he goes outside.

  • indio says:

    As far as I’m concerned, good health is priceless. We only eat organic food, that is preferably home grown, and avoid pesticides and household contaminants, like MDF with formaldehyde, paint with VOCs in it, and any petroleum products. We don’t eat out very often because now we have become spoiled with healthy food. Walking, instead of driving for errands, is a daily activity. Now if only we could do something about decreasing air pollution.

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