As of this writing, there’s a great deal of political wrangling occurring in regard to the so-called fiscal cliff. There’s a lot being said about how to fix the problem, which includes both tax increases and huge spending cuts. It’s going to be an interesting tax season — are you ready for it? In order […]
It’s hard to avoid discussions of the so-called fiscal cliff that’s looming at the end of 2012. We can only hope that our leaders hammer out a compromise before the deadline. But if we do end up “falling off” the fiscal cliff, who will be most hurt by the changes? There are three groups that […]
You’ve undoubtedly seen all of the news about the impending “fiscal cliff.” Whether you understand it or not, there will be consequences if we “fall off” at the end of 2012. One potential change to our tax system has to do with estate taxes. Currently, heirs do not pay federal taxes on estates smaller than […]
As the year draws to a close, it’s time to think about what’s coming in terms of your taxes. Even though the new year hasn’t started yet, it’s a good idea to start getting ready. After all, you might have a few deductions to squeeze in. And, you’re guaranteed to be happier if you have your […]
When you’re making your retirement plans, it can be easy to overlook one thing: taxes in the golden years. It’s important to remember that just because you’re retiring doesn’t mean that you no longer owe taxes to the IRS. Here are the tax issues you’ll want to plan for during your retirement: Remember the Taxes […]
It’s that time again. The 2012 Presidential election is fast approaching and who America chooses will affect your personal finances. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney differ on a number of different issues that will affect your financial future, so your finances may be vastly different a few years from now depending on who gets elected. […]