Four years ago, I started my life as a blogger. I was delighted to be bringing in the extra income, but I didn’t think about the tax implications. As an independent contractor, there were exactly zero taxes taken out of my pay. That same year, our adjustable rate mortgage adjusted down, resulting in less interest […]
The federal tax code changes constantly. With so many new laws about deductions and credits, it can seem overwhelming to tackle your yearly income tax preparation on your own. If you choose to seek professional help, there’s certainly no shortage of tax preparation services to help you navigate the code as it applies to your […]
After sweating bullets at work and muddling through another day, you come home to a screaming brawl between your two teenagers. Your head is about to explode, but it’s April 12th and your taxes are due in a couple of days. You’ve been putting it off because there’s nothing in it for you. It’s depressing […]
It’s January, which means it’s time to start preparing your income tax return for 2013. Looking at the bright side, you’ll have at least one more tax return in which to enjoy credits for your higher education expenses, home efficiency improvements, and charitable donations from your IRA. These, as well as a number of other […]
Since the housing market crash of 2008, analysts and lawmakers have been scrambling to diagnose what went wrong, as well as make provisions to avoid another economy-devastating event. One of the most obvious downfalls of the market was a failure to follow strict screening policies for potential homeowners. Loans were frequently issued regardless of evidence […]
Now that we’re starting a new year, it’s time to pay attention to the tax updates that are coming in 2014. Your tax planning should take into account two main things. First, be aware of changes for your 2013 taxes so you file appropriately by April 15, 2014; second, realize that changes taking place in […]