For the first time ever, a company that my wife or I worked for offered flexible spending accounts (FSA). We were given two accounts to enroll in: Dependent Day Care FSA nad Health Care FSA. I will be looking into each of these in more detail. Today, let’s focus on: Dependent Day Care Flexible Spending […]
Speaking about different sales tax, I also remember an interesting experience I had one time when I bought something from Macys’ (department store) from another state and returned the product in Orange County that I want to share. I don’t quite remember what it was that I bought, but when I returned the product to […]
While I was traveling in Raleigh, North Carolina, I bought a wireless mouse at the Apple Store to work with my Macbook Pro. It wasn’t until I heard the cashier tell me the total did I realized the sales tax was different than where I live (Southern California). I checked the receipt, and there in […]
I get junk emails many times a day but this list of tax deductions is quite useful so I want to share it with you. Those that haven’t filed taxes yet should take a look and see if you’ve missed anything. Any expenses paid related to charity activities. This even includes the transportation costs. Any […]
What should we do when we realized that we made a mistake on our return but it was already filed? Basically, it will depend on whether you e-filed or not. If you e-filed and the IRS rejects your return, then you have a chance to fix the error and resubmit. However, if you e-filed and […]
I just found out today from a comment at one of Blueprint’s article that you can deduct state taxes from your federal taxes. I just don’t think this make sense because that makes the state tax useless as the governments should figure this out amongst themselves. Without getting into a debate on that though, I […]