We are rapidly approaching the fifth month of 2010. This year is notable for many things, and one of those is that this year it is possible for anyone — no matter his or her income — to convert a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. There are some advantages to having a Roth IRA, […]
Everyone wants to try and get the best deal they can when it comes to taxes. You’ve probably heard plenty about the home buyer tax credit, but unless you are a first time home buyer, or haven’t bought a home in several years, you don’t qualify. Additionally, there are different income eligibility requirements, depending on […]
With a lackluster economy, unemployment rising, and tax revenues plunging, Uncle Sam would love for you to generate more revenue for him. In fact, the IRS with increased funding has more personnel and capital than ever before, and will issue a penalty whenever you fail to file, fail to pay, or forget to file certain […]
As tax season kicks into high gear, you are likely to see a number of commercials touting the virtues of a tax refund advance. This can be a tempting proposition. You go in, have your tax return prepared, and the nice folks cut you a refund check right there. Otherwise, you could get your money […]
Over the holidays, my husband’s family spent quite a bit of time with us. His brother mentioned that he is expecting a nice, large tax return. “I use it as a sort of savings account,” he said. “That way, I know I’m getting something back.” Before I could help myself, I blurted out: “But why? […]
You can lower your taxes for this year now, but not after December 31. Itβs that time of the year again when you are preparing for holiday parties, agonizing over gift lists and rushing to get everything done in time. Take a breather and consider the following ways in which you can save money on […]