Tax season is in full swing. For 2010 taxes, we have a couple extra days to get things sorted — until April 18, 2011. These days, with the Internet providing the possibility of side business income, many wonder what income needs to be reported. Many think that if no 1099 is issued, they don’t have […]
Unemployment is still close to double digits. Tax laws are governed by the state of the economy, and the government makes amendments from time to time mainly with a view to giving relief to tax payers. If you have been unemployed for more than a year you still need to file a federal income tax […]
Donating things that you no longer want or need to charity is an excellent way to help those in need while also clearing your house of clutter and perhaps getting a nice deduction on your taxes. However, there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind before you load up the car to […]
The end of the year is typically a time when we go on a tax deduction rampage, donating to charity and upping retirement plan contributions. But, for those whose income may put them in range for expiring Bush tax cuts, it might be wise to hold off on taking all those deductions this year. It’s […]
One of the best things you can do for your tax efficiency is to take advantage of tax breaks at the end of the year. Before 2010 closes out, it is a good idea to consider your eligibility for the following five tax breaks: 1. Green Home Improvement Credit You can get a tax credit […]
Do you have a particular hobby you just can’t get enough of? Some part of your lifestyle that identifies you? Something that you’d be happy to spend more time (and more money) on? For most of us, there are several parts of our lives that really make us tick. Sometimes it’s hard to justify spending […]