If you want to use meditation to increase your brain’s capacity and curb your worst spending habits, these five steps are the place to start.
We all know that Memorial Day isn’t just about sales, but you have to admit retailers have done a pretty thorough job of conditioning us to associate summer’s first holiday with a major sale event. Although we obviously shouldn’t plan commemorative ceremonies and family gatherings around our favorite retailers’ events, there’s no harm in taking […]
In some cases it’s actually better to forgo buying in bulk.
We all end up in situations where we have unexpected expenses. This subject is especially poignant for me this year because my husband asked for a divorce back in May, and that resulted in some major costs that I wasn’t expecting. I was fortunate in many ways, considering the situation. My ex wasn’t interested in […]
One of the best things you can do for yourself as the year winds down is to perform a financial year-in-review. Understanding your good moves, as well as identifying your mistakes, can be a great way to improve the way you manage money going forward. Look at Your Spending for the Year The first thing […]