Have you noticed how everything is so much more expensive lately? Gas prices stick out like a sore thumb, but at least that fluctuates all the time and can go down in the future. The increase that is most scary to me is the restaurant prices in my area. What used to cost $8 or […]
Shopping Smart
I’ve had a love-hate relationship with clothing for most of my life. In my younger years, I used to love clothes. I’d buy whatever struck my fancy, regardless of the cost. As I got older, I started wearing jeans, t-shirts, and boots. I never shopped for new clothes and had no desire to. The thought […]
When I was a pre-teen in the early 90s, I used to roam the mall with a pack of girlfriends once a week. I quickly discovered that the fun I had spending money on new scrunchies, slap bracelets, and Lisa Frank notebooks seemed to diminish as my money supply got lower. Whatever pair of earrings […]
I’ve always wanted to install solar panels to generate our electricity needs. It just never made sense for us because we’ve been talking on and off about moving for the past few years. Still, the fact that you can pay a one-time fee to avoid paying the monthly electricity bill forever kept me interested. After […]
January is well known as the month consumers tighten their proverbial belts and go on spending freezes. But let’s face it: we still spend money. After all, who can resist 75% off Christmas decorations and wrapping paper for next year? Our family, for example, is planning to get a bigger Christmas tree when the holidays […]
Ahhhhhhh. The shiny new toy everyone thinks of when they want to get a vehicle. One of our readers, Tony, is thinking about getting one. What do you think? Dear MoneyNing, I’m 24 years old and have been fortunate enough to land a really good job straight out of college. I now earn $100,000 a […]