Summer time. The kids are out of school; baseball games, soccer practices, and swimming lessons are in full swing. The weather warms up, and your focus moves to fun. The only downfall? The busyness of the summer months usually equates to blown budgets. After all, who wants to be cooking in a hot kitchen or […]
Shopping Smart
One of the major reasons we overspend? Our quickness to say yes to things — for example, when our kids ask us to buy something, or when our friends want us to come out for an expensive night on the town. Sometimes we say yes to ourselves, justifying purchases we don’t really care about, or […]
I’m a health nut. I like eating healthy, and I’m willing to pay a little more if it means a higher quality product is going into my body. But there are places I draw the line. Today as I was browsing through articles online, one headline quickly caught my attention. There’s a new product on […]
Seeing something out of the corner of my eye, I could almost feel his presence behind me before I felt him tap on my shoulder. “Dad, can I show you something?” I followed him up to his room, where he anxiously pointed to the computer screen. It displayed an ad for a 24-inch computer monitor, […]
Shopping is becoming increasingly streamlined. We used to think self-checkouts were the cutting edge of technology, but we’ve come a long way since then. Here are a few examples: Smart carts that will total up your items for you — and even make suggestions based on your choices Restaurants where you can order and pay […]
Last weekend, my wife and I stopped by the local Costco to renew our membership, which expired at the end of March. As expected, they asked us if we wanted the Goldstar Membership for $55, or the Elite Membership for $110, with which members get 2% cash back on purchases. The customer service representative sensed […]