For my twelfth birthday, my parents gave me a DVD of The Fast and the Furious. It was unlike anything I’d ever seen. I remember watching it over and over again, pausing to get a better look at the cool cars. The car that held my attention was Paul Walker’s Mitsubishi Eclipse. Once I turned […]
Shopping Smart
It’s back-to-school season, and that means back-to-school deals for all the students out there. If you’re a student, you might even snag an awesome discount on things like laptops, software and other tech. But what about teachers? Students and their discounts get so much attention this time of year that educators — on the other […]
Financial obligations are a part of adulthood no matter how old you are, as only their categories and amounts change from one decade to the next. The good news is that adults at either end of the age spectrum get better deals when it comes to discounts. In these situations, age does matter. Take a […]
If you missed the news, Starbucks raised their prices once again this summer, for the third summer in a row. The obvious solution to save money at Starbucks is to avoid the coffee shop altogether. However, if Starbucks is your crutch – like it is mine, you just have to learn how to get more […]
Whether or not you admit it, there is a certain thought in the back of your (possibly deep) subconscious that occurs every single time you have a little extra money. Maybe your paycheck was bigger than you expected this pay period. Maybe your Grandma Sue wrote you a check for $100 just for being her […]
There’s still another month or so of summer, but it’s time to start thinking about back-to-school supplies if you’re a parent or student. And, if you’re like most families surveyed by the National Retail Federation, you’ll be spending a little more than last year — as much as 9.6% more. Market analysts consider it a […]