That’s right! I bought my car for one price, drove it around for five years and then sold it for the exact same price! The good news for you is that nothing I did took incredible effort. Rather, it was more an application of a few tricks anyone could do themselves. So if you want […]
Shopping Smart
I always thought that a $150 cable bill is more like the maximum people pay these days but I overheard a conversation recently how someone is paying $260 currently and that he knows a few people paying $350 on their cable bills. What the?!? Add in a $150 cellphone plan and they could be paying […]
I shop clearance racks and thrift stores as part of my frugal lifestyle, but I’ve always been hesitant to utilize online marketplaces like eBay, Craigslist or the scores of smaller websites and apps that have popped up over the last few years. Alongside the good finds, you still hear horror stories of scamming, stalking, and […]
I’m a sucker for a good deal and feel proud when I avoid spending money I don’t have to. More than once, I’ve let eagerness to save money lead me to do things that eat up any perceived savings, and then some. I learn from my mistakes, but it’s even better to avoid these pitfalls […]
Try these two tips to save money on groceries—even if you hate cooking.
If you have a pet, you definitely know how much love and joy they can bring into a household. They truly are a man’s best friend. But these furry friends can also be very expensive. According to the ASPCA, the average cost of a small dog in it’s first year is a whopping $3,221. A cat […]