It wasn’t long ago when the nearby plaza’s parking lot spent most days of the last few months being empty. That’s why I was so surprised to see people and cars everywhere when I went there last Sunday. Aside from the obvious potential problem of people getting sick, I’m not sure if I want this […]
Saving Money
I’m very proud of myself today because I just made decisions that will save me $100 per month. I called the cable and cell phone company and told them to: Discontinue my cable TV bill (learn how to negotiate here if you want to lower your bill instead) Reduce our family plan cell phone minutes […]
Are you a spending monster who wished you were a saving technician? Or do you want to know how to teach your kids to become a saver rather than a spender? If you answered yes to either (or you are just so bored anything will do this minute), the article is for you. Confession of the […]
Doing a few things in the morning can save you hundreds of dollars.
It’s easy to get friends spend a fun and special time together on the cheap.
Think it’s time to bring some old-fashioned frugality back into our kitchens? Here’s how we can do it.