Buying a home is often seen as an important rite of passage to ‘adulthood’ and a major part of the American dream. Depending on your situation and where you live, it can also be cheaper than renting. But unless you have a large chunk of money just sitting around, the down payment it requires is […]
Saving Money
It’s no secret that growing even a small vegetable and herb garden saves money on grocery bills through the spring and summer months (and, if you preserve them, you’ll save through the fall and winter as well). What’s not as well-known is the expense of putting one in. For me, gardening always seemed like an […]
The fall is a favorite season to many and it is easy to see why. The weather is nice, the leaves turn beautiful colors, and of course, pumpkin spice lattes. Here’s another reason to love fall – it saves you money. Here are five ways to save money this fall. You don’t want to overlook […]
One of the keys to saving money is cultivating the ability to delay gratification. Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done for many of us. Putting off pleasure today in anticipation of tomorrow’s needs doesn’t come naturally to many people. However, there are ways to overcome your natural inclinations and develop more thoughtful spending habits. Here […]
Car accidents are never planned, but they are definitely expensive. While it’s obvious that your insurance rates will increase if you are found at fault, there are many other costs to consider too. My husband just totaled our Toyota Yaris in May. There were a lot of costs that I did not even realize I […]
Do you have a large but short-term savings goal? Perhaps, like me, you want to save at least 20% of a future home as a down payment. Maybe you want to purchase another vehicle or recreational toy in cash versus going into debt, or you just want to finally finish a much-needed home improvement project. […]