Even though gasoline prices usually stay low during the cold months we have seen an increase at the pump. Lower production is often cited as the reason for the continued increase but it is hard not to suspect pure greed when it is public knowledge that barrels of crude oil are back from its all […]
Saving Money
Whether your child is heading off to their first year of kindergarten or their final year of college, saving money on school supplies is just plain smart. As school systems face the challenge of teaching more kids on a smaller budget, parents are being asked to provide a lot more than a couple of pencils […]
For young couples, having a baby is one of the most life-affirming experiences they will ever have. At least it is until the bills start piling up. Between disposable diapers, formula and clothing, a very small person starts to eat up a significant part of the monthly income. Parents often wonder how such a small […]
Growing up, everyone around me thought our family was rich. We drove nice cars, dressed neatly and never hinted at our money woes. It was strange because we couldn’t be more middle class when it came to our household income but the truth didn’t matter, there was no point denying. One day, I asked my […]
The emotional weight associated with prom night is difficult for an adult to appreciate. The price tag, however, is a totally different story. As a parent you want your child to enjoy themselves and maybe make a few precious memories, but you also want to avoid taking out a second mortgage to afford the evening. […]
Whether you are shipping presents you bought for the holidays or sending packages year round, the costs involved can appear astronomical. There are ways to shave some of your costs, but it will generally involve a bit more planning on your part. Holiday Time Shipping Strategies Sometimes it seems as though the holidays arrive earlier […]