Eventually, everybody needs to replace his or her windshield wipers. You can purchase a really cheap set at the local mega-mart, or you can spend $20 or more per blade. The question is how do you combine savings and quality in a way that avoids the need to replace your blades every other week. Learn […]
Saving Money
Owning a pool is quite an expense, so cutting costs just makes sense. There are a few things that the average pool owner can do to reduce the expense of pool cleaning. Maintenance is Critical Water should be tested on a regular schedule. If the pool is used frequently, daily testing is advisable. By keeping […]
With the switch from incandescent to compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs, it seems as if prices are on the rise as well. That perception isn’t exactly accurate as CFLs last much longer and use less electricity than their incandescent counterparts, but the outlay is clearly more on a bulb per bulb basis. CFLs also pose […]
Have you looked at the price of car detailing and cleaning lately? Even a simple wash can set you back $15 or more. If you have money like that to spend, chances are you won’t need to read this article, but if you are like me and watch every penny, here are some tips to […]
While some lucky kids won’t be returning to school until after labor day, others like my children, are going back as soon as the second week of August. Last year, the National Retail Federation estimated that each family of school aged children would spend an average of $606.40 per family. That’s a pretty big hit […]
You’re starting out and you need new cookware. Pots and pans can cost a pretty penny, unless you know what you are looking for. Let’s look at the basics and the best choices. What You NEED The average kitchen really doesn’t need much when it comes down to brass tacks. Six pots or pans will […]