If you have out-of-town family visiting this summer, here are some practical ways to address the financial strain it might create.
Saving Money
One of the best things you can do for your financial future is to start preparing for retirement as early as you can. Unfortunately, not very many Americans are getting ready for retirement. Indeed, according to a report from the Federal Reserve, 31 percent of Americans have no retirement savings at all. Not only that, […]
I shop clearance racks and thrift stores as part of my frugal lifestyle, but I’ve always been hesitant to utilize online marketplaces like eBay, Craigslist or the scores of smaller websites and apps that have popped up over the last few years. Alongside the good finds, you still hear horror stories of scamming, stalking, and […]
Let’s shed some light on the personal injury process—from a financial perspective.
I’m a sucker for a good deal and feel proud when I avoid spending money I don’t have to. More than once, I’ve let eagerness to save money lead me to do things that eat up any perceived savings, and then some. I learn from my mistakes, but it’s even better to avoid these pitfalls […]
We all know that Memorial Day isn’t just about sales, but you have to admit retailers have done a pretty thorough job of conditioning us to associate summer’s first holiday with a major sale event. Although we obviously shouldn’t plan commemorative ceremonies and family gatherings around our favorite retailers’ events, there’s no harm in taking […]