If you find yourself making more than your husband, try these ways to make it work as a female breadwinner.
During a recent family outing for dinner (thanks to a free birthday coupon), a man approached us asking for some spare change so he can get something to eat for the night. I told him I didn’t have any change on me, but I would buy him a meal at Rubio’s since that’s where we were […]
One of the most common financial pitfalls out there is having a poor money attitude. And among the worst money attitudes is the idea that all you need is more money, and that once you have it, your financial problems will be solved. The harsh reality is that, while making more money can help your […]
Every day, you’re presented with an abundance of choices. From the moment you wake up to the moment you prepare for bed, you make choice after choice after choice. These decisions not only affect today but also your future as well. To reach your financial goals, you need to make appropriate daily choices. Life is […]
I have a confession to make. The day before I wrote my post titled, 5 Undeniable Benefits to Living in a Small Home, my husband and I were talking about buying a larger home and a larger car. We flirted with the notion of how nice it would be to have some extra rooms in our home, […]
I’m a work-at-home-mom with two kids under the age of four. I’ve been doing the freelancing-from-home gig since my eldest was two months old. And despite nearly four years of evidence to the contrary, I still wake up every single morning believing that today will be the day I cross off every item on my […]