Side hustling, or the art of making money on the side, is one of my favorite things to do. Even now, as my side hustle has turned into my full-time job, I’m always looking for new ways to make money. I find it a fun challenge and it keeps me on my toes — and […]
Money Tips
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, the average American family spends about 19 percent of its income on transportation. Which makes transportation is the second-largest household expense (following housing). Of course, whether or not you are “average” depends in large part on where you live, and what the expected transportation costs are in that […]
Congratulations! After searching for what seems like a lifetime, you’re about to finalize your first job after graduating. Or maybe you finally landed the job of your dreams. You couldn’t be more excited…until you get the official offer letter. The salary is lower than what you expected. Do you accept the offer as is, or do you take […]
There were five years of my life where I performed an annual ritual: filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA for short). The FAFSA is how you put your hat in the ring if you want the federal government to help you pay for college. Filling out this form is about more than just getting […]
Gift cards are a popular gift choice. You may have received some during the recent holiday season. They’re convenient for the giver, since you don’t have to worry about getting the perfect gift, and they’re convenient for the receiver, because they get to shop at their leisure and pick out something out they really want. It’s […]
I love Christmas, but I’ll admit that I breathed a small sigh of relief when all of the holiday stuff got put away until next year. So it’s strange to admit that I’ve already started doing my Christmas shopping for 2015. In fact, I get most of my Christmas shopping done 11 months in advance […]