Money Tips

Don’t forget to read the first part of the series, Making Even More Money on eBay – Part 1: Picking What to Sell. Once you decide on your niche, it is time to build up inventory. Sometimes inventory takes a lot of time to track down and find. Be sure to calculate how many hours […]

Money Saving Tip: An incredibly effective way to save more is to reduce your monthly Internet and TV costs. Click here for the current Verizon FiOS promotion codes and promos to see if you can save more money every month from now on.

You’re left with fond memories and probably a few gifts you don’t really want now that that the holidays have past. What do you do with them? Tossing the items out is a waste but they might not be items you can donate. Instead, re-gifting them probably crossed your mind.Is that taboo though? Not at […]

Money Saving Tip: An incredibly effective way to save more is to reduce your monthly Internet and TV costs. Click here for the current Verizon FiOS promotion codes and promos to see if you can save more money every month from now on.

According to many wedding planning services, December is the most popular month to get engaged, and Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve the most popular days. If you’re late to the game and still shopping for the ring, there’s still time to find the perfect diamond to represent the enduring quality of your love without […]

Money Saving Tip: An incredibly effective way to save more is to reduce your monthly Internet and TV costs. Click here for the current Verizon FiOS promotion codes and promos to see if you can save more money every month from now on.

Flying is one of the fastest and cheapest ways for many people to travel for the holidays, but it still isn’t easy nor cheap. Not only does holiday flying require shipping gifts ahead or finding room to pack them while meeting TSA guidelines, it also involves miscellaneous travel-related fees and expenses. Tips for saving money […]

Money Saving Tip: An incredibly effective way to save more is to reduce your monthly Internet and TV costs. Click here for the current Verizon FiOS promotion codes and promos to see if you can save more money every month from now on.

Anyone who’s gone to college is familiar with the yearly process of filing a FAFSA to determine their eligibility for federal student aid, and the many frustrations that accompany it. For instance, it’s important to file as soon as possible after January 1st since funds are often awarded on a first come, first served basis, […]

Money Saving Tip: An incredibly effective way to save more is to reduce your monthly Internet and TV costs. Click here for the current Verizon FiOS promotion codes and promos to see if you can save more money every month from now on.

My awareness of the importance of eating organic, as-natural-as-possible foods has increased the last few years. The dilemma of this awareness is being torn between choosing more expensive groceries or compromising what I put in my body. It can be hard to remember that the benefits outweigh the costs when they come in the form […]

Money Saving Tip: An incredibly effective way to save more is to reduce your monthly Internet and TV costs. Click here for the current Verizon FiOS promotion codes and promos to see if you can save more money every month from now on.