I’ve had a love-hate relationship with clothing for most of my life. In my younger years, I used to love clothes. I’d buy whatever struck my fancy, regardless of the cost. As I got older, I started wearing jeans, t-shirts, and boots. I never shopped for new clothes and had no desire to. The thought […]
Money Tips
Money may not seem like a particularly romantic topic of conversation, but ignoring it is not the path to wedded bliss.
You’re busy – I get it. You have a lot of stuff going on, and spending time on your finances seems like another huge responsibility to add to your already full plate. But whenever you take a look at your wallet, you wonder where all of your money went. You haven’t looked at the details […]
January is well known as the month consumers tighten their proverbial belts and go on spending freezes. But let’s face it: we still spend money. After all, who can resist 75% off Christmas decorations and wrapping paper for next year? Our family, for example, is planning to get a bigger Christmas tree when the holidays […]
Relocating for a job can be expensive. This is a concept all too familiar to me at the moment, but through my recent experiences I have learned a lot about frugality, determining what’s most important, and making wise financial decisions in spite of emotional attachments to my possessions. I changed jobs recently and had to […]
One of the best ways to save money in the long term is to learn how to say “no.” Saying no to spending can help you get your priorities in order, as well as keep your finances on the right track. Some have trouble saying no to themselves, but many don’t have that issue at […]