Encouraged by my dear husband’s post on How to Save Money on Weddings last week, I’m going to dive deeper into wedding invitations and in particular, whether you should buy or create your own. For many of us budget folks, this is one of the easiest ways to save some money but obviously, we need […]
Money Tips
Don’t worry. You are not alone since we are all like this.
We don’t always know when the unexpected will happen. That doesn’t mean we can’t plan for it though. In fact, one of the best things you can do for your finances is to look ahead and prepare for the inevitable emergency. Here are four tips you can use for your plan: 1. Start with Your […]
Have you ever had a week (or maybe two) when your spending got out of hand? My last two weeks have been like that. I had major family obligations to deal with, I started helping more at my dad’s business, and I took on another small freelance job — all within the same week. Life […]
Learn how to make what you have last longer, while spending significantly less on your makeup.
With these tips, you’ll be able to find, plan, and have the most exciting, heart-racing honeymoon you could ever dream of.