My husband finally has a “real” job. He’s no longer an adjunct; he has a full-time job at a school that seems to like that he prioritizes students and learning. With that full-time job comes benefits — and it’s amazing how much they’re affecting our financial life. As we enjoy the benefits of having benefits, […]
Money Stories
Oh, THIS is Why People Like “Real” Jobs
by Miranda Marquit · 10 comments
In early 2012, my garbage company offered me a deal: commit to them for two years, and in return, they wouldn’t raise my rates. Prices are always increasing, so I thought it would be smart to agree. I found my latest garbage bill in the mailbox this week, and it was higher than I remembered. […]
Update: How Much Cash Back I’ve Earned with Costco Executive
by Travis Pizel · 32 comments
Earlier this year, I renewed my Costco executive membership. On top of the $55 annual cost for basic Costco membership, it cost an extra $55 and offered 2% cash back on all my purchases. I had the following goals in mind: Go to Costco for products I’d normally buy at the supermarket Don’t spend more […]
What It Takes to Sell a Home Quickly (Or… How We Sold Ours Without Ever Listing It!)
by Miranda Marquit · 1 comment
One of the bits of luck that accompanied my family on our recent cross-country move was that we sold our house quickly. In fact, it was under contract before we even listed it. However, selling your home quickly isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be; sometimes it means taking a loss. Here’s what you […]
The Surprising Way I Had a Fun Night Out — And Won $50
by Travis Pizel · 7 comments
I’d always thought of bingo as a game that only elderly people played. But I’m always up for a new adventure, so I agreed when our neighbors asked us to join them at a new bingo hall. Walking in, I was surprised to see people of all ages — including a group of high school […]
Did I Just Waste $150 on This Piece of Gear?
by Travis Pizel · 22 comments
I’d wanted one for years. Let me rephrase that: I’d craved one for years. It seemed like all my running friends owned a fancy GPS watch used to collect statistics about each and every run. At races, I’d notice countless runners poised to hit the start button on their GPS watches when the gun went […]