There’s no doubt raising kids costs a fortune, but where parents spend their money on are often debatable. Summer is coming up, and one of the options for us to send our kids is a math summer camp. Is it worth a few hundred dollars a month for Sara and Jayden to spend a few […]
Money Stories
How Much Do You Value After School Math Classes?
by · 14 comments
How Much Do Your Friends and Family Know About Your Finances?
by Miranda Marquit · 45 comments
Near the beginning of each month, many in the personal finance community share, with varying degrees of detail, their financial situations. We see net worth reports, and some of them are even itemized. I always enjoy reading these reports and find them quite interesting — and sometimes inspiring. However, I have always been vaguely uncomfortable […]
How We Prepared for a 50% Pay Cut
by · 23 comments
Is there such a thing as a secure job in this day and age? Even if you are a top performer at your current company, is your position truly safe if a natural disaster can wipe out your company’s revenue for months at a time? The harsh reality is that with the current state of […]
5 Mental Money Traps to Avoid for a Solid Financial Future
by · 10 comments
Imagine that you are shopping for a used car and see a nice one on the lot. After negotiating back and forth with the salesman, you manage to agree on a price that’s several thousand dollars less than the list price. I bet you would sign the title feeling like you got a great deal. […]
Money Isn’t Everything
by · 23 comments
Being Frugal and saving money is generally always the preferred choice. Week after week, I write articles to help you figure out how to make every dollar travel a bit further so you can retire just that much earlier. And it’s not just me either. If you keep up with all the articles circulating the […]
The Billionaire Investment Guru Within Me Called Billy
by · 8 comments
I’d like to introduce you to Billy, the investment guru living inside my head. He always convinces me to buy and sell stocks at the perfect time, but he must be a billionaire since his call to action always cost me financially. I can’t blame him though, because he probably doesn’t need any more money […]