As someone who writes and talks about frugal living all day, I must admit that I’m a sucker when it comes to spending. I not only overreact whenever I need to make a purchase, I probably ask way too many questions about the price of any item too. Why pay $50 when I can get […]
Money Stories
Why the Lowest Price is for Losers
by · 13 comments
How to Trick Your Spouse into Sticking with a Budget
by · 11 comments
I don’t know why it is, but it seems like almost every marriage comes with a spender and a saver. I have seen rare exceptions where both are unleashed spenders – which often turns out to be quite disastrous, and even rarer still I have seen marriages with two savers. But for the most part, […]
What Drives You to Be Frugal
by · 45 comments
People who know me sometimes wonder why I’m so frugal. They question why I don’t seem to eat out. They can’t understand why I rather watch a movie at home than go to the movie theaters and they certainly don’t feel that I’m actually enjoying life. They, like most people, are simply failing to look […]
Frugal Shopping Secrets Discovered from Buying a Chair
by · 10 comments
Last week, a frugal shopping event for an office chair satisfied me as a learner, frugalist as well as a consumer. What am I talking about? Let me explain. I’ve been discussing with my wife about a new chair for a while. Mine is old and ripped but more importantly, I was getting back pains […]
How a Taoist Would Deal with the Recession
by · 9 comments
Growing up in an Asian culture, I was influenced by the traditions and concepts of Taoism (check out wikipedia’s page for more on the subject). With the outlook of our jobs and economy so grim, I’d like to talk about natural forces and balance, one of the central concepts of this philosophy that have influenced […]
Stop Worrying About Money – Once and For All
by · 14 comments
This is a guest post from Neal Frankle, CFP®. Like many, he was affected by the financial crisis but unlike most who did nothing, he managed to turn it into a positive experience. It’s easy to be scared to death these days. You may have lost 40% (or more) of your investment capital. To put […]